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他本该做一个平平凡凡、胸无大志的人么?Should he have been a plain, unambitious man?

我该庸庸碌碌过一生。I should finish life mediocre and unambitious.

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诗人能把平凡的事物描绘得有声有色。He was an unambitious man destined for a commonplace job.

他是一个没有野心的人,注定要找一个平凡的工作。He was an unambitious man destined for a commonplace job.

一个没有野心的人,他会从他人的成功中获得满足感。An unambitious , he will gain from the success of others satisfaction.

我生而庸碌,上天却总是赐予我美好的东西。Born mediocre and unambitious , I have always been endowed with great things.

她的丈夫,也就是我的病人,也是一个专业人士,但没什么野心。The husband, my patient, was a professional but quite unambitious . His family's.

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在中国庞大的基础建设计划面前,其他国家再雄伟的工程也会失色不少。China's mammoth infrastructure programmes tend to make other countries' grand projects look unambitious.

克拉克?肯特扑克片变化,69,两个都不并且另外,一完美10,节奏双胞胎。The Clark Kent Card Change, 69, Neither And Also, A Perfect 10, The Rhythm Twins, The Unambitious Magician.

为什么到了年过半百还是毫无起色,还是庸庸碌碌,毫无出人头地的征兆?Why lead half hundred or have no improvement year, be still mediocre and unambitious , omen had no to stand out?

我看人也是一样,一个人在年轻的时候没有志气,中年或晚年就更难有志气了。I exmine man in the same way, it's more difficult for an unambitious young man to be ambitious in his middle age or old age.

我看人也是一样,一个人在年轻的时候没有志气,中年或晚年就更难有志气了。I examine man in the same way, it is more difficult for an unambitious young man to be ambitious in his middle age or old age.

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而他,侨文达,也不想成为任何一类这样的人,不想成为成千上万庸庸碌碌的婆罗门中的一个。And he Govinda, also do not want to be any such, don't want to be one of tens of thousands of mediocre and unambitious Brahman.

她的家庭踓然极为富有,但她的穿著、所开的车,与她谦卑诚恳待人的态度,更让我加倍地打从心底佩服她。Though her family is very rich, she's always in plain clothing and car, with very sincere and unambitious attitude. Which made me admired her so much.

他们对这位年轻人十分地敬重,因为从他刚开始的未经世事、一点雄心壮志都没有的人,逐渐茁壮成一位认真的青年才俊,不仅专注地埋首于书堆里,更对父亲十分地孝敬。They watched in awe as Revere, at first a callow and unambitious youth, began to develop into a serious young man dedicated to books and devoted to his father.

事实上,这些在儿童时期对生活不在意,不能独立、没有野心,在他们的职业生涯中不成功的人在死亡方面增加了很高的风险。In fact, those who were carefree, undependable, unambitious in childhood and were unsuccessful in their careers had a whopping increase in their mortality risk.

换句话说,与数据输入打交道的人越来越不能忍受被当做没有雄心、没有受过教育和不聪明的人来对待。In other words, the population interacting with data-entry software is increasingly less tolerant of being treated like unambitious , uneducated, unintelligent peons.

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鉴于索马里所遭受的巨大痛苦,上述所说的这些无疑听起来微不足道。但是以往的经验告诉我们,在索马里再做更多的事情效果将会适得其反。Given the scale of Somalia's misery, all this will no doubt sound woefully unambitious. But experience has shown that trying anything more in Somalia will achieve even less.