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崖柏属雌球果的苞鳞中没有倒转的维管束形成。There was no inverted vascular bundle developed in the bract scale of Thuja occidentals.

结果表明,花瓣、苞片和花萼上、下表皮均有气孔分布。The results showed that stomata distributed in upper and lower epidermis of petal, bract and calyx.

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莎草属植物苞片表皮微形态特征在种间存在差异,可作为种间划分的依据。The different bract epidermal micro-morphological characters can be used to taxonomy of the tribe at species level.

花瓣、苞片和花萼上表皮的气孔密度和气孔指数均小于下表皮的。Stomatal density and stomatal index on upper epidermis of petal, bract and calyx were smaller than those on lower surface.

窄卷苞叶对红铃虫的抗性表现为中性,但可提高杀虫剂在棉铃表面的分布量4.9—10.0倍。The resistance of frego bract cotton was neutral, but insecticideamount on its green boll surface increased by4.9—10.0 times.

托叶披针形,约4毫米,膜,密被短的棕色的有毛,后脱落,基生者苞片状和持久。Stipules lanceolate, ca. 4 mm, membranous, densely covered with short brown pubescence, glabrescent , basal ones bract like and persistent.

随着花的发育,花瓣、苞片和花萼上的气孔密度和气孔指数一般呈现先上升后下降的变化趋势。With the development of flower, the stomatal density and stomatal index on the petal, bract and calyx increased firstly and then decreased.

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又嫁接后实生苗营养系节间长较短,葉片大小及苞葉颜色之改变,则因实生苗营养系或嫁接商业品种不同而異。Moreover, the changes of internode length, leaf size and bract color were depended on the combination of seedling clone and commercial cultivar.

花序中的的花梗部小型的叶状器官,本身被苞片所包围。例如风信子。比较。Bracteole A small leaflike organ on the pedicel of a flower in an inflorescence that is itself subtended by a bract, as in the bluebell. Compare bract.

在生殖发育期间,DEP1在叶原基的近轴面,以及初生次生枝梗形成阶段的叶原基中优先表达。During reproductive development, DEP1 was preferentially expressed on the adaxial side of the bract primordium, as well as in the bract primordia of primary and secondary rachis-branches.