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他以其雄辩术唤起民众。He roused the masses with his oratory.

我佩服某些政治家的辩才。I admire the oratory of some politicians.

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他以演讲术使听众赞叹不已。He dazzled the crowd with his oratory skills.

她对童贞演讲提出许多要求。She's making extraordinary claims for virginal oratory.

有些政治家以辩才著称。Some politicians are famous for their powers of oratory.

韦伯斯特的这次总结陈词后来被视为雄辩史上的经典之作。Webster’s summation was later deemed a masterpiece of oratory.

现在你没有必要为美国经典演说辞而苦恼。Now you don't have to be dealing with classic American oratory to run into problems.

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他的大部分声誉都建立在针对被告利益的激昂雄辩之中。A large part of his reputation rested on his passionate oratory on behalf of the accused.

前任的总统都是靠着政治作秀而彪炳史册。Earlier presidents had made their mark by rising to historical occasions with ringing oratory.

当晚里根发表老到的演讲,大力支持布什,博得全场掌声如雷的反应。That evening Reagan brought down the house with vintage oratory and a ringing endorsement of Bush.

圣约瑟夫大教堂坐落在皇家山上,是可以俯瞰整座城市的标志性建筑。Saint Joseph's Oratory sits atop Mount Royal, a landmark park that offers panoramic views of the city.

但是他的演讲天赋也可以产生一种共患难的感觉,能够帮助他胡乱应付过去。But his gift for oratory might create a sense of shared sacrifice that will help him to muddle through.

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他有两张麦秸心的祈祷椅在他的经堂里,卧室里还有一张有扶手的围椅,也是麦秸心的。In his oratory there were two straw prie-Dieu, and there was an arm-chair, also in straw, in his bedroom.

邱吉尔首相以其在“二战”期间顽强抵抗纳粹侵略、激动人心的演讲术、叼着招牌雪茄以及“V”形胜利手势而著名。He was famous for his defiance of the Nazis, his stirring oratory and trademark cigar and "V for victory" sign.

邱吉尔首相以其在“二战”期间顽强反抗纳粹侵略、激动人心的演讲术、叼着招牌雪茄以及“V”形胜利手势而闻名。He was famous for his defiance of the Nazis , his stirring oratory and trademark cigar and "V for victory" sign.

巴黎经堂自居于领先地位,因为菲力浦·德·内里只是个圣者,而贝鲁尔却是个红衣主教。The Oratory of France claimed the precedence, since Philip de Neri was only a saint, while Berulle was a cardinal.

也许现在是时候了教练,包括小礼拜堂和沟通技巧,让玩家不会不清楚报关单。Maybe it is time for coaches to include oratory and communication skills so players won't make unclear declarations.

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对一个起源于沙漠的民族而言,它部分地取代了圣画和大教堂、舞台剧和政治演说。To a people of desert origins, it takes the partial place of icons and cathedrals, stage drama and political oratory.

而且这还会大幅度地提高你的演讲能力、丰富你的辞汇量。Also this improves your oratory skills to a large extent and also makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary.

他住在小礼拜堂里,不论白天黑夜,我都能看见他跪在圣坛前那块光滑的石板上。He lived in the oratory. At any hour of day or night, I could find him on the bare flagstones kneeling before the altar.