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伊夫有一个新朋友。Eve has a new friend.

在每一个年三十儿。In every Chinese Eve.

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一个苹果夏娃吃了。The one that Eve ate.

或许亚当夏娃会替亚伯报仇。Perhaps Adam and Eve would.

而明天就是平安夜了。And tomorrow’s Christmas Eve.

这使我想起了亚当和夏娃。It reminded me of Adam and Eve.

这种想法从亚当和夏娃以来就开始了。It all started with Adam and Eve.

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什么?今天是平安夜。What? But today is Christmas Eve.

昨晚那五人举行了降神会。Five people held a seance last eve.

在雪花飘零的那个圣诞前夜。The snow was falling Christmas Eve.

伊斯兰教希腊文化前夕的埃及。Egypt on the eve of Islam Hellenism.

伊夫和赫伯都被邀请了。Either Eve or Herb has been invited.

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年夜饭又称团圆饭。Eve is also called the reunion meal.

夏娃说是蛇诱惑了她。Eve says that the snake seduced her.

在时代广场度过大年夜。Spend New Years Eve in Times Square.

——在广场的人堆里度过新年Spend New Year’s Eve in Times Square

伊夫玛丽卡森在星期三被发现。Eve Marie Carson was found Wednesday.

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伊芙说,“我去拎一桶水来。”Eve said, I'll get a bucket of water.

他在复活节前夕把这封短简发走了。He dispatched the note on Easter Eve.

这部影片未经预映便于除夕夜直接放映了。The movie was dumped on New Year's Eve.