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若是有钱人家,而报纸刊登的文章又确是恶意中伤,那么他可以诽谤罪向法院起诉。If they are rich and the article is defamatory , they can sue for libel.

科索沃政府谴责这项调查结果是“毫无根据和诽谤的”。The Kosovan government has denounced its findings as "baseless and defamatory".

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严禁任何谩骂、不当影射、毁谤、恶意批评或人身攻击。We do not tolerate abusive, malicious, libelous, defamatory or personal attacks.

该公司声称,谷歌作为诽谤性评论的发布者应该承担法律责任。The company claimed that Google was liable as a publisher of defamatory comments.

检察机关正搜集相关法律依据,要指控此书是否已涉及诽谤。The public prosecutor is seeking legal advice on whether the book may be defamatory.

对某一公众利益的事发表诚实的议论,因此不构成诽谤。Remark which is honestly make on a matter of public interest and so is not defamatory.

仇视性或诽谤性的话语有可能煽起敌对情绪,加深分裂并引发暴力行为。Hateful or defamatory words can inflame hostilities, deepen divisions, and provoke violence.

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约瑟夫的“罪责”是他在一次考试中命制的问题有诽谤先知穆罕默德的嫌疑。Joseph's crime was having given out an exam with a question deemed defamatory to the Prophet Mohammed.

但你也必须始终小心,因为Twitter也是惹是生非的地方,甚至经常也是恶毒的,当然也是诽谤的。You still have to be careful because Twitter is mischievous and often poisonous and certainly defamatory.

如果工人名声不好或者所说的与事实不符,法庭通常会认为工人的陈述是不实的。Courts often view workers’ statements as disloyal when they are defamatory and are not supported by facts.

如果工人名声不好或者所说的与事实不符,法庭通常会认为工人的陈述是不实的。Courts often view workers' statements as disloyal when they are defamatory and are not supported by facts. Mr.

这些著作的权力斗争或多或少诽谤迎来了历史弗拉德三世巴萨拉布的时间,我们仍然有。Power struggles of the time we still have these writings more or less defamatory ushered Vlad III Basarab in history.

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很多网站在意识到他们的法律责任后都会认真的监管网贴,并会即时删除诽谤内容。Realizing their legal liabilities, many websites diligently screen their postings and promptly delete defamatory comments.

去年六月,一批“慰安妇”将朴侑夏和出版社负责人以诽谤的罪名起诉。In June, last year, a group of former "comfort women" filed a defamatory suit against Park and the head of the publishing company.

网上发布诽谤的内容-不论是像FACEBOOK还是其它线上的网站,也会充斥着骚扰。Posting defamatory content online -- whether on sites like Facebook or elsewhere on the Internet -- can also constitute harassment.

原告会寻找因网站中含有诽谤指控和隐秘信息而被禁止访问的命令。Claimants would seek orders blocking access to websites alleged to contain defamatory allegations or private and confidential information.

谢林已经警告过那些转载莫里文章的网站,他说这些文章充满着“谎言、不可证实和严重的诽谤。”Schillings have warned the websites that repetition of Murray's allegations were regarded as "false, indefensible and grossly defamatory".

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由于在某网站论坛中的被其称为“诽谤性”的评论出现在谷歌搜索结果中,该学院针对此事采取了法律行动。MIS launched legal action over comments on the forum of a website that it claimed were defamatory and that appeared in Google's search results.

这里有个例子,曾经有一名顾客要求这个年轻的出版商在报上刊登一则消息,而Franklin在其中发现了“下流和诽谤的字眼。”One such example involved a customer who asked the young printer to publish a piece in the Gazette that Franklin found "scurrilous and defamatory."

穷查理由这些诽谤性的断言指出,真正的Leeds已经死了,而这份年鉴的作者肯定是冒Leeds之名所作。Poor Richard responded that all of these defamatory protestations indicated that the real Leeds must indeed be dead and his new almanac a hoax by someone else.