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混蛋射击我!Varmint shot me!

谁想露一手?Who wants a shot?

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他是一个神枪手。He is a good shot.

我用真枪打了她。I shot her for real.

把一支箭射入了我的身体!Shot an arrow in me!

粮食产量激增。Grain output shot up.

你看过那个镜头吗?Did you see that shot?

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他把那只鸟射死了。He shot the bird dead.

一更贝里琉枪杀。One more Peleliu shot.

正在装置一门炮。Shot fired from a gun.

那谁开枪杀开了他呢?So who fired the shot?

卫兵们朝扎达克开了枪。The guards shot Zadak.

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他们向船射击。They shot at the ship.

马屁拍在马腿上。Horses shot in the legs.

你以经试过一次了。You already took a shot.

后撤步跳投。Back step shot with jump.

子弹击伤了他的胳膊。The shot wounded his arm.

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然后将它射满了洞的时候。And shot it full of holes.

傻子的箭放得快。/蠢人的东西消耗得快。A fool's bolt is soon shot.

近景的对象可以是任何东西。Close shot can be anything.