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正常衰老的同时,海马体也会收缩。As part of normal aging, the hippocampus shrinks.

在这里海马体的作用十分重要。And the hippocampus plays an important role there.

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海马体也会因吸烟而更快的“瘪”掉。The hippocampus also shrivelled faster in smokers.

这样之后,海马体的神经形成也减少了。This also decreased neurogenesis in the hippocampus.

大量突触处的锌在海马区发现。Large amounts of synaptic zinc are found in the hippocampus.

TUNEL染色显示海马结构的细胞死亡存在凋亡机制。The apoptosis in hippocampus structure was detected by TUNEL staining.

海马体把新的信息进行编码,这样我们以后就能记起。The hippocampus encodes new information so that we can recall it later.

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“这样,海马体使所有那些调节器都很活跃,”他惊奇地表示。"Somehow the hippocampus makes sense of all those modulators, " hemarveled.

如果脑部对感觉讯息有个守门人,则非海马回莫属。If the brain has a gatekeeper of sensory information, the hippocampus is it.

海马结构内含有大量胆碱酯酶阳性染色纤维。There were plenty of AChE positive fiber in hippocampus and corpus mamillare.

它们再发出分支至海马各区和齿状回。They gave off branches to each subfield of the hippocampus and dentate gyrus.

局灶性脑缺血后亦可增加海马齿状回内神经发生。Focal ischemia also could raise the neurogenesis in hippocampus dentate gyrus.

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此外,抗抑郁剂促进在海马体中新细胞的发展。Also, antidepressants encourage the development of new cells in the hippocampus.

记忆开始的存储区是一个叫做海马的结构组织。And the one storage site where they begin is a structure called the hippocampus.

海马体是在它的前部数量有了提高。The increased volume was found in the anterior, or front part, of the hippocampus.

尤其是侏儒海马或绣眼海马不会逃脱灾害。The dwarf seahorses, or Hippocampus zosterae, are particularly ill-suited to escape.

不过脑回沟参与记忆的储存同时也参与记忆的追溯。But the hippocampus is involved in both the storage as well as the retrieval of memory.

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颞叶每端各包含一个杏仁体和名叫海马回的海马状组织。Each lobe includes an amygdala and a seahorse -shaped structure called the hippocampus.

那么,为什么会旧的记忆会从海马转移到额叶皮层?Why, then, might old memories be transferred from the hippocampus to the frontal cortex?

探讨海马蛛网膜囊肿与癫痫的关系。Objective To explore the relationship between arachnoid cyst at hippocampus and epilepsy.