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戴尔接下来做了什么呢?What did Dell do next?

你认为英特尔会为戴尔这样做吗?Do you think Intel does this for Dell?

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戴尔对其任一款产品均免费回收。Dell recycles any of its products free.

我们介绍过这个▽算子。Remember we introduced the dell operator.

戴尔则于今年推出了其第一部手机。Dell introduced its first OPhone this year.

农夫在小溪谷,农夫在小溪谷。Hi-ho, the merry-o! The farmer in the dell.

戴尔似乎已经决定要当云服务的供应商。Dell seems to have decided to be a cloud supplier.

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在戴尔销售额上升的同时,品牌却落后了。While Dell sales went up, the Dell brand went down.

譬如,戴尔电脑提供200多种外观设计。For example, Dell offers more than 200 exterior designs.

劳工权利组织也对迪尼斯和戴尔进行了批评。Labor rights groups have also criticized Disney and Dell.

当然,戴尔应该有能力推动佩罗的业绩。Certainly, Dell should be able to improve Perot's results.

罗伊·基恩在这场比赛中被罚下,曼联第六次被圣徒击败。Roy Keane is sent off as United are hit for six at the Dell.

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戴尔集团在中国通过店铺和订购这两种方式销售电脑。Dell sells its PCs in China through shops as well as to order.

戴尔出生在一个开放的犹太教家庭。Dell was born into a family which liberally practiced Judaism.

当然,这两种是完全不同的但有都令人生厌的“怪兽”。Of course, the Apple and Dell slates are very different beasts.

戴尔就重新布阵了其硬件,其中包括了几款上网本。Dell rejiggered its hardware lineup to include several netbooks.

戴尔将能重拾回了其领先地位,在重建置业?Will Dell be able to regain back its leadership position in MSS?

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戴尔就重新布阵了其硬件,其中包括了几款上网本。Dell re-jiggered it's hardware lineup to include several netbooks.

戴尔就重新布阵了其硬件,其中包括了几款上网本。Dell re-jiggered it's hardware lineup to include several networks.

伯恩斯坦和我所压的宝稍有不同。He doesn't own Dell stock. Bernstein doesn't do business with Dell.