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但德韦恩伍德拉夫并没有就此停止。But Dwayne Woodruff did not stop there.

伍德拉夫进了橄榄球起草于1979年。Woodruff was drafted into the NFL in 1979.

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伍德拉夫介绍了六瓶纸箱于1923年。Anonymous. " Woodruff introduced the six bottle carton in 1923."

伍德夫说,暑假里儿子从夏令营带回来三次欢喜衣服。Woodruff says her son brought his laundry home from camp three times this summer.

伍德拉夫提供了可口可乐在每一个国家的联盟通过苏打水喷泉。Woodruff made Coke available in every state of the Union through the soda fountain.

可口可乐公司出售后,禁止向欧内斯特时代伍德拉夫为25亿美元。Coca-Cola was sold after the Prohibition Era to Ernest Woodruff for 25 million dollars.

伍德鲁夫仅仅担任了新公司总裁短暂的一段时间,就选择他当时23岁的儿子罗伯特接管了公司。Woodruff spent a brief spell as president, then chose his 23-year-old son Robert to take over.

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制图师安迪·伍德拉夫记录下他所走过的所有地方,于是就有了上面这幅美丽的地图。Cartographer Andy Woodruff documents all the places he goes, resulting in the pretty map above.

在伍德夫的博客上,一些家长给了她很多建议,来帮助简化行李的准备过程。Fellow parents had lots of great advice for Woodruff on how to simplify the process on her blog.

“我只记得每个星期天下午,这将是我和他坐在沙发上,”伍德拉夫回忆说。"I just remember every Sunday afternoon, it would be me and him sitting on the sofa, " Woodruff recalled.

她是妈妈爸爸,出租车司机,厨师和四年,我在学校的一切,“伍德拉夫说。"She was mom, dad, taxi driver, cook and everything for four years that I was in school, " Woodruff said.

在目睹了儿子的居家习惯后,李冲进了商店。After her eye-opening look into her son's housekeeping habits, Lee Woodruff hit the stores to shop for supplies.

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“早安美国”栏目的李·伍德夫和她的丈夫鲍勃·伍德夫就是其中的一对。"Good Morning America" life and family contributor Lee Woodruff and her husband, ABC's Bob Woodruff, are among them.

这一行为不仅使女性时刻处于危险之中,Woodruff辩驳道,而且也局限了我们科学知识的范围。It's a practice that not only puts women at risk, Woodruff argues, but also limits the scope of our scientific knowledge.

因此,虽然他还在踢球全职,伍德拉夫法律开始在夜间学校,而他的妻子乔伊就休息了。So although he was still playing football full-time, Woodruff began law school at nights, while his wife Joy took on the rest.

在伍德拉夫的时代,伍德拉夫先生作出了承诺的武装部队美国供应可口可乐每一个服务的人。During the Woodruff era, Mr. Woodruff made a promise to the armed forces of the United States to supply Coca-Cola to every service person.

罗伯特伍德鲁夫是一个有影响力的人在亚特兰大,因为他的贡献地区高校,企业和组织。Robert Woodruff was an influential man in Atlanta because of his contributions to area colleges, universities, businesses and organizations.

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其中的一份工作是做可口可乐公司的老板罗伯特·伍德拉夫的司机,并甚得其欢心。当卢瑟要求用公司的股份来代替惯例的现金奖励时,伍德拉夫很高兴的应许了。Woodruff took such a shine to his driver that when Luther asked for stock in the company instead of occasional gifts of cash, the old man was happy to oblige.

在选购床品时,伍德夫建议要买加长床单,因为学校寝室的床比普通双人床要长---为了照顾个子高的孩子。When buying bedding, Woodruff says to be sure to buy extra-long sheets because college beds are longer than the average twin -- to accommodate the taller kids.

伍德拉夫还提高了生产力,改善这一区域的销售部门,强调质量控制,并开始大规模的广告和促销活动。Woodruff also increased productivity by improving the sales department, emphasizing quality control, and beginning large-scale advertising and promotional campaigns.