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什么都是被逼出来的。What all is to be compelled out.

布鲁内尔被迫承认失败。Brunel was compelled to admit failure.

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我身不由己,也需要听一听。I was compelled to hear. I need to hear.

雨迫使我们停赛。The rain compelled us to stop competing.

他们被迫发誓放弃自己的信仰。They were compelled to abjure their faith.

他们发现非重新安置不可。They found themselves compelled to relocate.

任何人都不能自证己罪。No men can be compelled to criminate himself.

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敌人被迫放下武器。The enemy were compelled to lay down their arms.

幸存者们感到有必要把他们的救世主找出来。Survivors of it feel compelled to search out a savior.

“哇…”女士惊叹道,不过还是很坚定的继续往上走。Wow, " she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going."

她被迫自己掏腰包付了账。She has been compelled to dub up out of her own pocket.

仔肩驱使军人必需志愿出席这项任务。Duty compelled the soldiers to volunteer for the mission.

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她的声音使我身不由主地凑上前去屏息倾听。Her voice compelled me forward breathlessly as I listened.

他的行为促使我投身教育业。His behavior compelled me to pursue work in the teaching field.

他们常常被迫每天工作十一二个小时。They were often compelled to work eleven or twelve hours a day.

我迫不及待地想与你们分享这方面的好处。So I feel compelled to share the benefits of being on this side.

不得强迫被告自供或认罪。Not to be compelled to testify against himself or to confess guilt.

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“我是一个感觉到有责任然后就会沉迷进去的人,”他说。"I am a person who feels compelled and then gets immersed, " he says.

除非有外力加诸其上,迫使其改变状态。unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.

那种局面迫使军方介入,扶植起一个看守政府。That compelled the military to intervene, installing a caretaker government.