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不,我并没有大喘气。No, I didn't stutter.

“我不会跳舞,”你结结巴巴地说。“I can’t dance,” you stutter out.

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我不能够让口吃毁了我的生活!I'll not let stutter destory my life!

你不想一声不吭,也不想结结巴巴。And you don't want to stutter and stammer.

而你又不想结结巴巴地说。And you don't want to stutter and stammer.

他有结巴这一点,我相信是真的。He had a stutter.Yeah, I believe it is true.

那小女孩说话有点口吃。The little girl speaks with a little stutter.

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那些口吃者经常接受语言治疗。Those who stutter often receive speech therapy.

后来,我听到火车突突地驶离了车站。Then I heard the train stutter out of the staiton.

你不想一声不吭,也不想结结巴巴。You can't clam up. And you don't want to stutter and stammer.

然而,Stutter一直等到莎士比亚的时代才出现。Stutter however waited until the time of Shakespeare to show up.

我经常询问他们成为口吃者的原因。I always ask them to talk about how and why their stutter started.

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我现在相信我将永远是一名口吃者,即便有一天我能够说话…And I do believe I will be a stutterer forever, even one day I could stutter no more.

我认识很多像我一样的口吃患者,他们恢复正常后和我一样现在以帮助别人摆脱口吃,恢复流利表达能力作为事业。I have met many people who stutter as I now help people to achieve fluency as a career.

你不能沉默。而你又不想结结巴巴地说。那么,作为一个求职者这个时候应该怎么做呢?You can't clam up. And you don't want to stutter and stammer. So what's a job seeker to do.

现在我成功的克服了口吃,它几乎毁了我18年的生活。I have now managed to beat my stutter which had basically ruined my life for eighteen years.

正当我开始研究Stutter的语源时,我突然碰到了它的同义词stammer。As soon as I began looking into the etymology of stutter I bumped up against its synonym stammer.

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但当我在那个尘埃漫天的六月傍晚听到它们奔跑的蹄声,看到它们奔跑的姿态时,我无法拒绝这一砙?。But on this dusty June evening, I couldn't resist the sight of their stutter -stepping, head-shakingruns.

这个问题其实很普通——或者只是宗介自己如此想到——但是这还是让他的妻子面红耳赤。The question was innocent enough—or so the soldier thought—but even still, it made his wife blush and stutter.

有些VR程序是特别为那些弱于公众演讲的人设计的——甚至还有专为结巴的人设计的程序。Some VR software is specifically designed for anyone who struggles with public speaking – even those who stutter.