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语言是一种无心的话语。Language is an unintentional speech.

街道的陡度并非刻意为之。The street's steepness was unintentional.

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那个意外的前脑叶白质切除术将会很难解释。That unintentional lobotomy would be hard to explain.

机架已经固定以防无意识的起吊。The frame has been fixed against unintentional lifting.

她竟为这种无意之中所犯地错而末路火。She actually for this unintentional mistakes and annoying.

非洲儿童意外伤害总死亡率最高。Africa has the highest rate overall for unintentional injury deaths.

落叶有情映菊花,残阳无意照晚霞。Deciduous love reflected chrysanthemum, the unintentional as sunset.

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我喜欢无心插柳柳成荫的那种偶然。I like the unintentional positive outcomes of the kind occasionally.

其相互间的暗示性则是完全无意的。Any implication that one might lead to the other is wholly unintentional.

进行潜水及浮潜时,可能会不小心破坏到珊瑚。Divers and snorkelers can break the corals through unintentional contact.

整个企业的短视或者规划导致了无意识的筒仓Poor visibility or planning across the enterprise led to unintentional silos

请理解如果有无心的冒犯之处,请海涵。Please kindly understand that and if there is any unintentional offenses, forgive me.

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这对于道路安全问题和预防儿童期意外伤害来说也是如此。The same is true for road safety and the prevention of unintentional childhood injuries.

跌伤是世界各地意外或非故意伤害死亡的第二大原因。Falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide.

慎防儿童意外受伤是非政府组织所关注的其中一个问题。Prevention of childhood unintentional injuries is one of the issues of concern among NGOs.

出乎意料,清单很短——包括心脏病、癌症和意外伤害。The list is surprisingly short — including heart disease, cancer and unintentional injury.

我们已经把那机器停了,阁下。关于它乱发结肠肿瘤的抱怨太多了。We had to get rid of the machine, sir. Too many complaints about unintentional colon tumors.

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跌倒是指突发、不自主的、非故意的体位改变,倒在地上或更低的平面上。Fall is a sudden, involuntary, unintentional postural changes, fall to the ground or lower plane.

他拒绝再去上学,意料到光头会引来同学们过分的嘲笑。He refused to come back to school fearing the unintentional but cruel teasing of the schoolmates.

只是因为拾金者的失误,或者无意的失误,造成了国家的损失。Found gold simply because of errors or unintentional mistakes, resulting in the loss of the country.