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但是这微乎其微。It is vanishingly small.

这些项都很小。This is vanishingly small.

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这些项都很小。So this is vanishingly small.

这样消逝的世界正在悄无声息地变得稀有起来。Such lost worlds are vanishingly rare.

现在在美国这是罕见的。It is vanishingly rarely seen in US nowadays.

业已失去的纯真与无知,有如梦幻泡影,再无可能失而复得。Like ignorance, lost innocence can be vanishingly hard to recover.

除了内核开发之外,现在汇编已经是比较罕见的一种技术了。Outside of kernel development, this is now a vanishingly rare technique.

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可分析的薄层厚度可以无限小,直至消失。Bed thickness is analyzable until the bed thickness is vanishingly small.

这样做的成本几乎为零,而潜在的收益和便利却很多。The cost to do so is vanishingly low, and the potential benefits and convenience are quite high.

所以,内层电子间,进行反应的可能性,是很小很小的。So, the chances of getting any activity from these inner shell of electrons are vanishingly small.

如果这个细小得不可见的异常现象不能被正确解释或者证实是错误的话,一个世纪的物理学体系会崩溃。If that vanishingly tiny anomaly can't be resolved and disproven, a century of physics could collapse.

在关于生命起源的传统观念中,进化产生活体细胞的几率近乎为零。In the traditional story of the origin of life, the chances of evolution producing a living cell are vanishingly small.

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在这两个理论中,悬浮液都假定是稀释的,同时流体动力学相互作用小的趋于零可忽略。In both theories, the suspensions are assumed to be dilute, with vanishingly small, negligible hydrodynamic interactions.

碳14,6个质子,8个中子,它的存在是非常微小的,几乎趋于零,万亿分之。And carbon 14, 6 again and it has 8, and it is found in vanishingly small amounts, 10 10 to the minus 12 or part per trillion.

即便是使用最先进的DNA测序技术,研究者们还是要设计专门的策略来寻找正在消失的稀少突变。Even with the latest DNA sequencing technology, the researchers had to design a special strategy to search for the vanishingly rare mutations.

问题是,虽然胞内同生在真核生物中非常常见,这往往造成吞噬其他细胞,但是在较为硬质的细菌难以察觉。The trouble is that, while cells within cells are common in eukaryotes, which often engulf other cells, they're vanishingly rare in more rigid bacteria.

只要它只是有限小,就会在公式中引起无限小的误差,但请记住,Δt最后变得难以察觉地小as long as it's small and finite, will lead to some small infinite errors in the formula, but remember it's got to be in the end made to be vanishingly small.

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斯库恩斯表示,他们成功的关键在于营造出了一种敬畏感,在当下这种世俗后现代的世界中,这样的敬畏感近乎无处可寻了。As Scoones agrees, a vital component of their success has been the sense of awe they inspire, which is a vanishingly rare commodity in the secular, postmodern world.

关键在于,只要你推出的式子分母上有dt,不要犹豫,直接约掉,这个式子只在,两遍都是无穷小的情况下成立So, the point is whenever you have derivatives with something over dt, do not hesitate to cancel the dts This will be actually true as long as both quantities are vanishingly small.

人们开始了解未来充满变数,即使是那些看起来我们严格控制的事情也并不确定,比如自己喜欢的三明治口味。People begin to understand that the future holds vanishingly few certainties, even for those things that would seem to be under our most direct control, like our sandwich preferences.