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城市还是机场?City or airport?


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城市是如此地拟人化。City is so Human.

浮空城。Float empty city.

我望着这座城。I hope this city.

你的城市可以闻得出来。Your city smells.

依然能相遇在某座城。Can meet in a city.

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在黄石市内呢?Huangshi City in it?

我绕城走。I bypassed the city.

台南市运河。Canal of Tainan City.

他在伦敦城工作。He works in the City.

那是项城市游戏。It was the city game.

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但是红杉市队不这样。Redwood City did not.

教育强市。Education Strong City.

我是城市学院的。I'm from City College.

是否可给我一份城市地图?May I have a city map?

我们属于伦敦市。We belong to the City.

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韩梅是一位城市女孩。Han Mei is a city girl.

霍山城战事正酣。Huoshan height in city.

爱这座不老的夜城。Love this ageless city.