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克罗塞特先生慈爱地拍了拍他的头。Mr. Crosette patted him affectionately on the head.

奶奶总是爱怜地称她为“小东西”。Her grandmother always calls her "tiny thing" affectionately.

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而且她们会用亲切的态度来使用这套方法,姑且被称之为“能力测验”。And they do it with something affectionately known as a Sh*t Test.

阿基诺被人们亲切地叫做科丽,从1986年至1992年担任菲律宾总统。Aquino, affectionately known as Cory, was president from 1986 to 1992.

他含着幸福的眼泪欢迎阿尔芒,亲切地和我握手。He welcomed Armand with tears of happiness, and shook my hand affectionately.

“在这种黄昏时候你要受凉的呀,”老处女姑母脉脉含情地说。"You'll take cold in the evening air, "urged the spinster aunt, affectionately.

走出这个美丽的校园,我忍不住回头,深情地望了一眼。Out of this beautiful campus, I could not help but look back affectionately look.

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每一双“爵狮帝尼”都经过120多次深情而专注的触摸。Each pair of Lincon must process Affectionately and carefully More than 120 times.

他站在船头向海上了望时,我们四个人都热切地朝着他的背影望着。We four affectionately watched his back as he stood in the bows looking to seaward.

金酸梅奖,正如大家所“挚爱”的那样,向电影业最差的成就喝彩。The Razzies, as they are affectionately known, salute the worst achievements in film.

社区居民都亲切地称她是“铁路爱心天使”。Knowing her kindness, the community residents affectionately call her "Railway love angel."

这座公园在在很大程度上就代表了纽芬兰,当地人亲切地称该公园为石头。That pretty much sums up Newfoundland, affectionately known to its inhabitants as The Rock.

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凯特最近创办了自己的政党,被人亲切地称呼为“疯子凯特”。Mr. Katter, affectionately called the 'Mad Katter, ' recently created his own political party.

一系列的文章声情并茂的描述了这一地理现象和这个寂寥国家的文化。A series of articles affectionately described the geography and culture of this obscure nation.

但是,难道你不觉得有人这样亲热地叫你“猪头”也是一种幸福吗?" However, do not you think that someone affectionately call you "pig" is also a kind of happiness?

英国馆的设计富有想象,中国人亲切地称它为“蒲公英”。The UK Pavilion has an imaginative design and is affectionately known as "dandelion" by the Chinese.

他抽回搂着小弟弟肩膀的手臂,用手背亲热地轻轻拍了拍小弟。He took his arm from sonny's shoulder and slapped him lightly affectionately with the back of his hand.

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他勤劳、忠厚、乐观,备受人们尊敬,大家都亲切地称他“山姆大叔”。He is diligent, honest, optimistic, respected by the people, people affectionately call him "Uncle Sam".

故事发生的那晚,我们现在亲切的称其为“惊魂夜”,因为那晚我们吓得要死。The night this happened, we now affectionately call "Fright Night", because we scared ourselves to death.

他用无限慈祥的目光望着罗哈尔,如同母亲对待孩子一样,亲切地叫着哥文达的名字。He looked at Rakhal with the infinite tenderness of a mother and affectionately uttered the name of Govinda.