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我还是要吸取教训。I suck.

把毒都吸出来!Suck your venom!

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为什么说它糟糕哪?Why does it suck?

我可以吸到自己。I can suck my own.

这些人都是鸟人。These people suck.

不要吮吸得太过!Don't Suck too Hard!

有时是老板很糟糕。Sometimes bosses suck.

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空气泵吸走淤泥。Air lift to suck up mud.

蜜蜂从花中吸吮蜜汁。Bees suck honey from flowers.

希望这次别搞砸了。Hope it won't suck this time.

永远不要大声地喝汤或嘬汤。Never drink or suck soup loudly.

蜜蜂曾经吮吸你的琼浆。The bee that once did suck thee.

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我也想吸吮你的奶油面包!I also want to suck your Twinkie!

甐第二,吸、放湿性好。Second, suck and put of good wet.

林肯公园新专辑很蹩脚?Does Linkin Park's new album suck?

不要把那样的小事放在心里。Don't take suck a trifle to heart.

他们从植物里吸取汁液。They suck juices out of the plant.

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要我说“吸取一些精髓”,那才是话中有话。Suck out some marrow. That one was.

他们要把他的灵魂吸出来。They're going to suck out his soul.

他们只是想吸我们的血而已。They just want to suck on our blood.