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所有的厨师都需要知道如何爆炒。All cooks need to know how to saut é.

一些煮牛蒡,而其他工人或油炸它。Some boil Burdock while others saut or deep fry it.

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剩1汤匙油,爆香配料,把牛仔骨回镬与献汁一起兜匀。Heat 1 tbsp of oil, saut? vegetables, return beef to wok and cook well with sauce.

用少许油爆香姜片,下鱼煎至两面金黄色待用,弃去姜片。Heating oil, saut? ginger and fish until fragrant and golden brown, discard ginger.

起油镬,将腌好的牛肉加入炒至七分熟,盛起。Heat up some oil in the wok, saut? the beef until medium rare, dish up and leave aside.

大闸蟹切成块状,与洋葱等蔬菜一起煸炒,淋上白葡萄酒和清酒,做成沙司。Cut the crab to cube , saut with onion and vegetables , pour the white wine and sake for make the sauce.

烧1汤匙油,爆香姜片,注入芡汁煮滚,淋在鱼卷上,伴青菜即成。Heat 1tbsp oil, saut? ginger until fragrant. Add sauce and bring to the boil. Pour over fish rolls, serve with veggie.

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加少许油爆香豆豉蒜茸,下凉瓜和调味煮一会,加牛肉炒匀,上碟。Add some oil to saut? black beans and garlic, add in bitter gourd and seasoning. Add beef to stir well, dish up and serve.

放入洋?及蘑菇炒香,鸡件回锅,倒入啤酒及清鸡汤煮滚,再炆30分钟。Saut? onion and mushroom, return the chicken pieces, pour in beer and chicken broth, bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes.

顺序下米粉、火腿丝和虾炒匀后,加入盐和糖调味,最后加入?和红辣椒丝拌炒后即可上碟。Add in the rice noodle, then the shredded ham and shrimps to saut?, season with sugar and salt. Finally add in green onion and shredded chili and serve.

把洋葱和火腿炒到洋葱软身呈透明状,记得别炒焦了。这差不多需要10-15分钟。Saut the onion with the bacon in a large skillet, until the onions are transparent, and soft, but not caramelized . This should take about 10-15 minutes.

和菠萝炒香,加入汁料拌匀煮滚至稠,最后把炸起的排骨回镬,与汁料炒匀即可上碟。Heat up some oil to saut? the peppers, onion and pineapple, add in the sauce and cook until thickened. Then return the ribs to saut? with the sauce. Serve.

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机组采用高性能涡旋压缩机兼用防液击低负荷启动装置,使制冷的核心部份的寿命大大提高。Unit by high performance liquid strike prevention scroll compressor saut low-load start-up device, make refrigeration core part of the life is greatly increased.

用少许油略炒甜椒,加入酱汁和荔枝肉,汁滚后即把鱼柳回镬,快手兜匀即可上碟享用。Use some oil to saut? the sweet pepper, pour in the sauce, add lychees, then bring the sauce to a boil. Put back the fish fillet and saut? briefly, dish up and serve.

他说,"2008年和2009年第一季让投资者很受伤,不少人抛售股票并离场,然后发誓不再投资股市.这真是一个大错.""People got so burned in 2008 and into the first quarter of 2009 that a lot of them just sold, walked away and swore not to look at stocks again. Big mistake," Saut said.

用剩馀油分爆香磨豉酱及豆瓣酱,拌入鸡肉,陆续加加青红椒及1汤匙焗香花生。Saut? the ground bean paste and hot bean paste until fragrant in remaining oil. Return the chicken fillet and toss well. Add the green pepper, red chili and 1 tbsp roasted peanuts stir-fry briefly.