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我可以看透他的虚情假意。I can see through his phoniness.

通过这种方法来判明真伪还远远达不到万无一失的程度,但它提供了一个不错的方向。Detecting phoniness this way is far from fail-safe, but it is a good guide.

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你的谈话没有了矛盾、混淆的信息或者说是虚假。You are communicating without incongruency, mixed messages or perhaps a sort of phoniness.

笑容可掬的一个人散发出的是虚假,这很快会被面试官发现…A smiley -face person exudes phoniness , which will quickly be picked up by the interviewer.

从一开始,所谓的「工人阶级运动」就是名不符实的。The phoniness of the claim to be a movement of the working class was blatant from the beginning.

犯罪统计不实问题一直是倍受社会舆论及学术界关注和批评的焦点。The phoniness in the criminal statistics has always been focused and criticized by the academia and the public.

为此,笔者试图通过对犯罪统计作假要素的分析,求得治理对策,以供政府及有关机关参考。We have analyzed the elements of the phoniness in the criminal statistics and the countermeasures for the reference.

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在听到对你的计划是否实际上会增加赤字的那些实实在在的质疑的时候,顽固的赤字鹰派们拿得出的姿态就是唱高调。And the whole pose of stern deficit hawk, when you know that there are real questions about whether your plan actually increases the deficit, is phoniness of a high order.

马尔库塞提出的“文化大拒绝”的“左”口号,不只是对当代工具合理性的批判,其要害在于他改变了马克思“虚假意识”概念的科学内涵。The idea of the culture abnegation Marcuse brought up is not only the criticism to current tool's rationality, but also the change in the concept of phoniness Marx raised.

在听到对你的计划是否实际上会增加赤字的那些实实在在的质疑的时候,顽固的赤字鹰派们拿得出的姿态就是唱高调。And the whole pose of stern deficit hawk , when you know that there are real questions about whether your plan actually increases the deficit, is phoniness of a high order.