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但是这个低潮是短暂的。The setback was only temporary, however.

⊙、短时期的挫折比短时期的成功好。Short-term setback than short-term success.

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这是她好运中的一次意外的挫折。It is an unexpected setback in her fortunes.

她把每个较小的挫折都看成重大灾难。She views every minor setback as a disaster.

不要受了一点挫折就唉声叹气。Don't moan and groan because of a little setback.

而且这次关厂事件对美国的太阳能光伏工业也造成了不良的影响。It is also a setback for the U.S. solar industry.

在感情受到挫折的时候怎样才不受伤害?Get in feeling setback when how to just suffer harm?

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和你的朋友或是专业人员讨论一下这次挫败。Talk over your setback with a friend or professional.

从那时起生产就一直米有退过。Since then there has never been any setback in prodution.

身体上他已经准备好了,只是那会冒一个伤情反复的风险。”“我不会赌这么大。”Physically he is ready, just is there a risk to have a setback.

从那时起他在事业上一直没有遇到周折。Since that time there has never been any setback in his career.

说来也怪,这些变化并不意味着挫折,而是前进方向的调整。Curiously, this will not be a setback but a change of direction.

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李先生不太可能还惦记着这个小小的挫折。Mr Li is unlikely still to be thinking about this little setback.

这一退步将跟他2009年依靠弊选连任一样糟糕。That would be as big a setback as his rigged re-election in 2009.

每一次的挫折都被归结为临时的因素——是希腊人!Every setback was attributed to temporary factors — It’s the Greeks!

而林必成过分的自负,屡遭挫折。And Lin Bicheng exorbitant is conceited, meet with repeatedly setback.

给你们发生在IGN的例子,来说明萧条有多糟糕。Giving you an example of what happened did IGN how bad the setback was.

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任何一部设备在开发中遇挫都会对整个产业造成负面影响。Any setback with a particular device negatively affects the entire industry.

但是自由民主党在柏林这次的彻底失败是反对应急措施的结果。But the FDP's shellacking in Berlin is a setback for the anti-bail-out camp.

对于众多家族企业来说,此次经济危机并非唯一的打击。The economic downturn is really just the latest setback for family-run businesses.