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我们每天在木板路上步行3里路。We walk on the boardwalk 3 miles each day.

庭院内由木条铺盖的甲板来自于科尼岛上的旧木板步道。The deck planks were reclaimed from the Coney Island boardwalk.

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现在,加上「大西洋帝国」的首播,他们已经有三齣相关的影集了。Now, with the premiere of Boardwalk Empire last week, they have 3.

在大西洋大道或木板路上口出秽言是违法的。It is illegal to use profanity on Atlantic Avenue or the boardwalk.

威尼斯海滨大道的浮桥上有小的艺术表演,you know, you have like little art shows down on the Venice boardwalk

它由“漂浮”在一个浅浅的水景之上的木板铺成的散步道组成。It is composed of a boardwalk that " floats " over a shallow water feature.

贝尔马城已经批准2000万美元用于重建木板路。The town of Belmar has approved 20 million dollars to rebuild its boardwalk.

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这是附近的海滨长廊,毗邻路易斯堡剧场。It is near the waterfront boardwalk and adjacent to the Louisbourg Playhouse.

摄于澳大利亚布里斯班河旁,这是在用木板铺成的小道旁边的蕨类植物上的晨露。Morning dew on a frond by the boardwalk next to the Brisbane River, Australia.

游客行走在安大略省霹雳角国家公园沼泽地的木板路上。Tourists walk on the Marsh Boardwalk Trail in Point Pelee National Park in Ontario.

新泽西州,狂风捲起的大浪冲撞著大西洋城海边的木板桥。Wind-driven waves crash under the boardwalk at Pacific Avenue in Atlantic City, N.J.

玛丽女士是吉卜赛出纳员在阿斯伯里帕克,波德沃克-去世了,当时她是98。Madam Marie was the gypsy teller at Asbury Park, Boardwalk – passed away, she was 98.

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由于这一地带被淤泥和泻湖大量覆盖,一条高架木板路将其与外部连接。As the site is largely covered by a silt lagoon, access is by way of an elevated boardwalk.

甚至一度肮脏污秽的木板人行道现在也象是里约热内卢伊帕内玛海滩木板人行道的缩小版了。Even the once-grimy boardwalk now feels more like a smaller-scale version of Rio’s Ipanema.

我是新泽西州大西洋城警察局的一名新警察。As a rookie in the Atlantic City, N.J., Police department, I was assigned a beat on the boardwalk.

我们挂出的波德沃克在酒店前像我们坏评寻找殴斗。We hung out on the boardwalk in front of the hotel like we were bad-asses looking for a fistfight.

太平洋海岸图片。巨北斗七星过山车是明星的表演加州的圣克鲁斯海滩木板路。The Giant Dipper roller coaster is the star of the show at California's Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.

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夏天,在正午阳光的照耀下沿着海滨小路散步时,最好带一把阳伞。In summer when you stroll on eh boardwalk in the noonday sun, it is advisable to take along a parasol.

海滩上有许多地方可以打迷你高尔夫球,开卡丁车,在木板路上散步。There are many places at the beach to play mini golf, go go-cart riding, and to walk along the boardwalk.

小木屋后面有一间厕所和存放木柴斧子的棚屋,有木板路连接小木屋。An outhouse and a woodshed stocked with logs and axes were out back, connected to the cabin by a boardwalk.