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“那是因为,”赫克托耳说道。"Because, " says Hector.

赫克托耳没有想很久。Hector doesn't think long.

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别戏弄我的老朋友。Don't hector my old firend.

乔和特雷弗也加入了海克特。Joe and Trevor join Hector.

赫克托耳有时很冷静。Hector can be cool sometimes.

我们和赫克托耳一起抽着大麻烟,兴奋不已。We smoke with Hector and get so high.

“赫克托耳会玩死你的,”乔说。"Hector would fuck you up, " says Joe.

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他自己养了两条狗,赫克托和堂。He himself kept two dogs, Hector and Dan.

海克特是我遇到过的最差劲的老板。Hector was the worst employer I ever had.

如何使用赫克托耳API创建超级列?。How to create super column using Hector API?

赫列斯达可夫的命运会怎么样?Hector lestat can be the fate of the husband?

“不,”赫克托耳说,“这个同性恋是认真的。”"No, " says Hector. "This faggot is serious."

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“好啊,”他说,“赫克托耳有上好的大麻烟。”"Yeah, " he says. "Hector has the good shit."

其中最富有的人之一,是个名叫赫克托·戴维斯的男子One of the richest was a man named Hector Davis.

海克特上星期因过敏而身体不适。Hector was sick last week because of his allergies.

赫克托耳正背靠柳树树干而坐。Hector is sitting against the base of the willow's trunk.

灯和挂在衣架上的衣服结合在一起,这种设计来自赫里托·塞拉诺。Lamp and clothes hanger combo designed by Hector Serrano.

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哈瑞和海克特是两只河马。它们喜欢牛奶和面包。Harry and hector are two hippos. They like milk and bread.

她告诉Hector,她想回家去。Maricruz tells Hector that she’s thinking about going home.

宇赫以死相威胁,挨了奶奶一巴掌。Yu Hector in die mutually threat, grandma got a slap in the face.