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从本质而言,这是个觉醒的过程。This is essentially a process of arousal.

即使你有真的性觉醒错觉。So even you can misattribute real arousal.

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安非他命可以增强唤醒的程度Amphetamines increase the amount of arousal.

这种病叫做持续性性兴奋综合症——PSAS。It's called Permanent Sexual Arousal Syndrome—PSAS.

恩,这被解释为性觉醒的错觉。Well, this was interpreted as misattributed arousal.

繁漪那火炽热情,强悍灵魂的本质是时代的觉醒。Fan Yi' s passion and doughty soul are epoch arousal.

放松,同时保持性唤起的水平。Relax and, at the same time, maintain the level of arousal.

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但对于女性,物理唤醒和精神唤醒是分开的。With women, physical arousal and mental arousal are separate.

它分散我们的注意力,使我们的觉醒又回到了起点。It distracts us, and takes our arousal back to the starting blocks.

从1世纪以来,芝麻已被认为是增强兴奋的辅助物。Arugula has been heralded as an arousal aid since the first century.

雄激素能加强异性幻想性兴奋的唤起。The androgen has if anything strengthened the autogynephilic arousal.

疼痛与唤起相结合导致了受虐。The pain is associated with arousal resulting in patterned masochism.

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这个现象,这是一个产生性觉醒错觉的现象。This is a phenomenon about the misattribution for the causes of arousal.

当这些发生的时候,他们感觉到某种兴奋,他们错误地认定。And they feel a certain arousal when that happens and they misattribute it.

当这些发生的时候,他们感觉到某种兴奋,他们错误地认定。And they feel a certain arousal when that happens and they misattribute it.

合理的技术,没有多余的唾沫。另一方面讲,没什么感觉。Reasonable technique, no extraneous spittle. On the other hand, no arousal.

当幻想着你的目标时,你也可以制造相似的觉醒过程。You can create a similar type of arousal when fantasizing about your goals.

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真够神的,”我回答说,脑子里似乎有一种原始的欲望在觉醒,在升腾。I asked as a primitive sense of arousal kicked in at the base of my medulla.

他们发现咖啡因能够刺激大脑中调节兴奋的区域。They found caffeine stimulated the part of the brain that regulates arousal.

同时我给她开一些弱安定药以降低她的警醒水平。At the same time I prescribed minor tranquillizers tolower her arousal levels.