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试试那一双。Try that pair on.

想要双新鞋?New pair of shoes?

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他们曾是一对好搭档。They made a good pair.

我试下这双行吗?Can I try this pair on?

我要买一双耐克运动鞋。I want a pair of Nikes.

你们俩是一对微笑杰克。A pair of Smilin’ Jacks.

让我拿一双大一点的来。Td like a pair of shoes.

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那是一副眼镜。That's a pair of glasses.

用这对羽翅。Using this pair of wings.

刚好够做一双鞋。Would make just one pair.

鸟常常成双配对。Birds often pair for life.

哦,我喜欢这副蓝色的。Oh, I like this blue pair.

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这是一副绑腿。This is a pair of gaiters.

两个人未必就是一对。Every couple is not a pair.

他有一双套鞋。He has a pair of overshoes.

我需要一副新眼镜。I need a new pair of specs.

买一双质量较好的球鞋。Buy a good pair of sneakers.

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她买了一双尼龙袜。She bought a pair of nylons.

这是你今年穿破的第三双鞋子。This is the third pair of '.

这双太合适了。This pair fits me perfectly.