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你觉得纽约大学怎么样?What do you think about NYU?

所以,在纽约大学,对我而言,感觉更像住在城市里,So NYU just feels like living in the city to me,

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纽约大学、哈佛大学或耶鲁大学教书。我肯定不会拒绝在这些学校里的工作。or NYU or Harvard or Yale. I wouldn't turn down a job there.

从纽约大学毕业后,他移居佛罗里达。After graduating from NYU Endodontics, Dr. Berlin moved to Florida.

你是纽约大学的学生。你们学校有没有帅哥啊?You are an NYU student. Are there any attractive guys at your school?

曼哈顿人就是没看到这点,所以纽约大学才得出了那样的结论。Manhattanites do not see this, however. The motion at NYU was carried.

乔尔·哈斯布鲁克说,高频交易实际上能够减少波动。Yet Joel Hasbrouck of NYU observes that speed trading often reduces volatility.

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像纽约大学的Tisch,我觉得它主要是针对戏剧的,像舞台表演,like for NYU Tisch, I think it's much more about pursuing theater, like on stage,

在纽约大学、切尔西等城市中心附近,出现了许许多多的工作室。You get a lot, lot of studios further downtown like around NYU and Chelsea and all of that.

所以,要想在纽约大学找一个对你感兴趣的男朋友或男生,真的很困难。So it's actually really hard to find like a boyfriend or guys who are interested in you at NYU.

我喜欢,对我来说最主要的不同就是纽约大学位于纽约市的街区。I like, the main difference to me is that NYU is a school located in the city blocks in New York.

我觉得纽约大学是个不错的学校,这里有绝对不同的心态,它更注重于人文科学,I think that NYU is a great school, definitely different mindset, much more liberal arts focused,

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纽约大学以表演艺术专业著称。纽约大学和UCLA有竞争吗?New York University is quite well known for performing arts. Is it competitive between UCLA and NYU?

我已经决定留在纽约大学,接受奖学金,攻读硕士学位。I'd already decided to stay at NYU and accepted a scholarship to study for a master's degree at night.

今年夏天,纽约大学仍将举办针对高中生和大学生的网络城市新闻编辑夏令营。This summer, NYU will also offer a Hyperlocal Newsroom Summer Academy for high school and college students.

今天,Bernanke先生正在剪辑他的剧本,纽约大学经济学家Gertler说,“当我们离开时重写剧本。”Today, Mr. Bernanke is taking out his playbook, said NYU economist Mr. Gertler, "and rewriting it as we go."

纽约大学的格特勒说,如今,贝南克拿出了他自己的剧本,边走边改。Today, Mr. Bernanke is taking out his playbook, said NYU economist Mr. Gertler, 'and rewriting it as we go. '

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我是陈卫国,纽约大学会计专业研究生,我还有两年学习时间。I'm Weiguo Chen. I am currently a graduate student majoring in Accounting at NYU. I have two more years to go.

迈克尔从宾夕法尼亚大学获得了人类学和商学学位,之后到纽约大学商学院做了一名教员。Michael left Penn with graduate degrees in anthropology and business and joined the faculty of NYU business school.

我最近在申请NYU牙科学校的职位,因此我决定在正式工作几个月之前现在那里实习。I’m currently in the application process for NYU Dental school, so I decided to intern there as of a few months ago.