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自定义起始页。Custom Start Pages.

这里的规矩是这样的。The custom here is this.

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发挥自定义L4D地图。Play the custom L4D maps.

那风俗仍然留传着。The custom still survives.

那个风俗已经废弃了。That custom has fallen off.

打开资料夹与习俗亚洲浆纸。Open folders with custom app.

你能帮我过关出关吗?。Can you help me at the custom?

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一次性特殊定制物品?One-off unique item custom made?

技能和连续技自定义。Skills and technology for custom.

这个习俗正在逐渐消失。This custom is slowly fading out.

预定义和自定义水印。Pre-defined and custom watermarks.

量身定做一个桌面背景。Create a custom desktop background.

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他开一辆定造的罗尔斯-罗伊斯汽车。He drive a custom build roll royce.

不过她认为这种风俗非常好。She thinks it such a pretty custom.

海关检查的手续很简单。The custom formalities are simple.

这种风俗是这一地区特有的.The custom is unique to the region.

您还可以设计定制的报告。You can also design custom reports.

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习俗是无知者的向导。Custom is the guide of the ignorant.

内部定制地形印衬。Internal custom Topo printed lining.

这种习俗沿传至今。The custom has descended to our day.