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是等于8吗?,Should,Fib,of,6,be,8?,我不这么认为。fib I don't think so.

因为fib的值是?什么?Because Fib of is? What?

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我们扯谎是为了避免冲突。We fib to avoid conflict.

这个fib函数被调用了177次。Here fib got called 177 times.

现在,幸运的是fib很短。Now, fortunately, Fib of 0 is short.

让我们看看我们调用Fib会怎么样。And let's see what happens if we call fib of 5.

我将要运行的是快速fib算法。So I'm going to have something called fast Fib.

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即使撒点小谎,也违背我的个性。To tell even a little fib gose against my grain.

许多交易者无法找到从什么地方开始菲波纳奇珊格。Many traders can't figure out where to start a Fib grid.

然而,有一个谎言比所有其他谎言都要大。However, there’s one fib that’s bigger than all the others.

然后我会调用快速Fib函数,然后它会返回它的结果。And then I'll call fast Fib and it returns the result it has.

然后我将递归调快速fib算法,记录在memo中,with,n,minus,1,in,memo,然后n-2记录在memo中。Then I'll call fast Fib recursively, n-1 and n minus 2 in memo.

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所以我将会创建和,有相同参数的。fib So I'll create Fib 1, fib1 which has the same arguments as Fib.

利用制备的刃口半径为10nm的微刀具,对单晶铜进行纳米切削分子动力学仿真实验。The cutting tool of the radius 10nm is made by using the FIB successfully.

更好的消息是,上次调用了25次,这次只调用了11次。The even better news is that Fib instead of 25 calls, it was only 11 calls.

多数技术指标不起作用。它们对多数散户交易者是一个大陷阱…Technical indicators don't work. They're a big fib to appease retail traders.

最后,你会隐瞒在鲍鱼和鱼翅的花了多少钱吗?Would you, ultimately, fib about how much you spend on abalone and shark’s fin?

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我们可以看到它在,运行的时候做了什么,让我们试试。So we can see what it's doing is it runs. So let's try fib it here with Fib of 6.

这个memo就是我从一个fib数,到另一个fibs数的记录字典。And the memo will be a dictionary that maps me from a number to Fib of that number.

所以如果我想计算,我得算上很多次。fib So if I think about computing Fib of I'm going to be computing that a lot of times.