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唠叨少了,耳根清净了。No endless nagging.

这样的唠叨太多了,我都觉得发腻了!I am fed up with so much nagging.

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我再也忍受不了你不停的唠叨了。I can't stomach your constant nagging.

他的继母说话尖刻,唠叨不休。He had a sharp-tongued, nagging stepmother.

她一直罗罗唆唆地催他去拖地板。She's been nagging at him to mop the floor.

他的继母说话尖刻,唠叨不休。He had a sharp- tongued , nagging stepmother.

兰格伦试着跟他唠叨,让他停止这样的习惯。Ms. Landgren tried nagging to get him to stop.

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那个故意与我作对的家伙让我终日不得安宁。That perverse guy has been nagging at me all day.

她一直对我唠叨不停,快把我逼疯了。She keeps nagging at me. It really drives me nuts.

你唠叨个没完,真是烦死我了。You are driving me out of my mind with your nagging.

你知道的,我一直都不想找象我妈妈那样能说的人。You know. I've always avoided girls like my nagging mom.

首先,停止逃避那些纷纷扰扰的纠纷。First , stop slinking away from all those nagging issues.

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知交,以后我的忧愁与唠叨该说与谁听呢?Familiar, later my sorrow and nagging the who to listen to?

没完没了的说教对于防止孩子们早恋毫无用处。Nagging serves no useful purpose for preventing puppy love.

下次我脚指甲长了,我就把脚给剁了。Next time I have a nagging hang-nail, I'll just cut off my foot.

唠叨永远不会有用。你磨叽时,是不具有说服力的。Nagging never works. You are never persuasive when you're abrasive.

他们也会帮你,就算帮不上,也会时常对你耳提面命吧。And they’ll help, too, if by nothing else than nagging you about it.

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一下子解决许多冗繁的问题是非常聪明和明智的。It is an ingenious stab at solving several nagging problems at once.

停止唠叨可能意味着放弃控制他人的幻想。Maybe giving up nagging only means giving up the delusion of control.

这些恼人的伤病,乔丹从未遇过。These nagging injuries are things that Jordan never had to deal with.