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我成为了一个实干家。I became a Doer.

安德森是一位实干家。Anderson is a Doer.

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我成了一个空谈者,而非实干家。I’ve become a Talker instead of a Doer.

她是空想者和实干者的结合。She was a fusion of the dreamer and doer.

他们可能会帮助你成为一名实干家。They also provide a boost for you, the doer.

做一个实干家比当一个空谈者要有趣的多。Life is a lot more fun as a Doer than a Talker.

干坏事的人会受到邪恶的报应。An evil deed may recoil on the head of the doer.

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他不仅仅是一个听者,还是一个顺服他父意愿的行动者。He was not just a hearer but a doer of his Father's will.

这是你从行为者成为指导者过渡的时刻。This is the moment to switch your role from doer to guider.

我是个实干者,我能为公司贡献很多。I am a doer and I can contribute a great deal to the company.

老教育家段力佩先生既是一名思想家,又是一名实干家。The educationist Duan Lipei was a thinker, and a doer as well.

我想我该当个实干家,不需要那些美丽的词汇来修饰。I think I should a doer , no need to modify the beautiful words.

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我认为成熟最直接的含义就是要做个实干家。I think the simplest definition of maturity is to be a doer of the word.

我想我们都应该当个实干家,不需要那些美丽的词汇来修饰。I think we should have it as a doer , not those beautiful words to describe.

我们只需将所知付诸实践,做个真正的实干家。We just need to put into practice what we already know. Be a doer of the Word.

做一个行动派,你会让更多的任务完成,并在过程中激发出新的想法。By becoming a doer you’ll get more done and stimulate new ideas in the process.

施者会同时认知到他自己与邻人不可估量的价值。The doer recognizes his own and his neighbor's inestimable worth simultaneously.

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我可能有非凡的、举世闻名的显现,我可能会以此形态玩世。I may appear to be extraordinary, a doer of famous things. I may appear playfully as that.

作善的人,现在欢喜,未来欢喜,会在现在与未来世都感到欢喜。Rejoicing now, rejoicing hereafter, the doer of wholesome actions rejoices in both worlds.

我认为成熟最直接的含义就是要做个实干家。I think the simplest definition of maturity is to be a doer of the word.You do what the Bible says.