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这两个单词是可互换的。The two forms are interchangeable.

具有互换性的零件的影响力The Impact of Interchangeable Parts

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这两个字可以通用。These two words are interchangeable.

这两个词不可以互换。Those words are not interchangeable.

加巴喷丁与其他产品互换。Not interchangeable with other gabapentin products.

替换的零件是为了E系列与D系列相互交换。Replacement parts for E-series are interchangeable with D-series.

它似乎是会议与展览会的同义词。They seem a little interchangeable with conferences and expositions.

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出现在驾驶舱后面的宇航技工机器人是可以换的。The astromech droid head seen behind the cockpit was interchangeable.

在某些语境里,词语“便宜的”和“中国的”可以互换。In some contexts, the words “cheap” and “Chinese” are interchangeable.

其中包括一系列可更换镜头和小零件。They include a range of interchangeable lenses, and small accessories.

实际上,可以认为循环和递归函数是能够相互转换的。In fact, loops and recursive functions can be considered interchangeable.

那辆车的引擎零件,可与这辆车的互换。The parts of that car's engine are interchangeable with those of this one.

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它采用了六轴机器人了一系列可互换的爪。It incorporates a six-axis robot with a series of interchangeable grippers.

耳机的购买选择面非常广,同时耳机还是个可以随意替换的产品。The selection of earphones is huge and the products are often interchangeable.

系列为不锈钢消防协会可互换气缸线。The S Series is a stainless steel NFPA Interchangeable pneumatic cylinder line.

黄金色外表,生利香槟指标,可互换的黑色鳄鱼皮表带。Yellow gold case, sunray champagne dial, interchangeable black alligator strap.

但在这个混沌的世界,情报和宣传可以轻易地互换。But in this murky world, intelligence and propaganda easily become interchangeable.

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起吊及回拉链具有较好的互换性从而使配件存货数量要求降低。Interchangeable hoist and drag chains reduces the number of parts required to stock.

编码器的E23机械互换与其他大小23个市场编码器。The E23 encoder is mechanically interchangeable with other Size 23 encoders on the market.

该GF1系列没有离开的五棱镜上找到其他标准的可互换镜头相机。The GF1 does away with the pentaprism found on other standard interchangeable lens cameras.