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她以颇为动人的笔触形容了自己的思想和生命。She describes her mind and life quite movingly.

迈克皮克上将有关团队凝聚力的讲话触动人心。General McPeak speaks movingly of unit cohesion.

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她十分动人地描述了她在非洲的经历。She described her experiences in Africa very movingly.

33岁的威廉王子动情地表示,为人父改变了他的生活。Prince William, 33, spoke movingly about how fatherhood has changed his life.

在她看来,生命中平凡的礼物,因为时光的雕琢变得珍贵。She movingly considered the way time makes the ordinary gifts of life extraordinary.

女人获得爱的方法是缓慢地渗透,然后在平静中品尝爱的芬芳。The woman acquire the method of love to be to slow- movingly permeate, then taste love in the equanimity of fragrant.

看到雪花翩翩地在半空中潇洒,我听得到她舞动的声音,我看得见她那翼动的眼神。I seem to be hearing its sounds of dancing, seeing its movingly eyes while snowflakes were lightly drifting in the air.

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即便是在网上看录制的视频,你肯定还是无法相信刘伟超群的钢琴技艺,他演奏的乐曲连贯舒缓又不失大家风范,难以想象这是他他用脚趾弹出来的。Even watching it on YouTube, you cannot believe that Liu is able to play so seamlessly, expertly and movingly using only his toes.

萨菲尔生动描绘为“我们最常磐总统”亚伯拉罕林肯一个谁拒绝妥协自己的原则。Kennedy and others. Safire movingly portrays Abraham Lincoln as "our most Joban president, " one who refused to compromise his principles.

威廉王子动情写道,女王在其漫长的任期中经历了动荡的几十年,她“立下了典范,为国家服务矢志不渝”。Prince William has written movingly of the "example and continuity" provided by the Queen throughout the turbulent decades of her long rein.

在曼彻斯特城德比战前,老特拉福德球场里的每一个人都会在五十年前的慕尼黑空难中丧失的23人默哀一分钟。The minute's silence for the 23 people who died in the Munich air crash of 1958 was movingly observed at Old Trafford before the Manchester derby.

他们的艺术创作以激动人心的力量,反映了他们时代的精神,表达了他们时代人民的情感和愿望。Their works, which have woven the emotions and wishes of people into an art from, are movingly powerful and thus reflects the spirit of their times.

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与此相关的他母亲死于癌症的感人故事,在丹佛的民主党全国代表大会上曾作为生平片段播出过。He movingly related the story of his own mother's death from cancer, in biographical clips that had also been broadcast at the Democratic national convention in Denver.

转眼就过了十月,天空开始变得高远起来,偶尔抬头可以看到成群的候鸟缓慢地向南方飞去。Turning the eye led October the sky started becoming high to get up far occasionally raising head can see a large groups migratory bird fly toward south slow- movingly.

罗琳斯以其细腻的笔法将美国南北战争后佛罗里达州垦荒区普通人的生活描绘得生动感人。Rawlings represents the life of ordinary people in new lands area of Florida after Civil War with her exquisite technique of writing, not only vividly but also movingly.