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我讨厌她轻浮的举止。I dislike her frivolity.

但无聊并非当下之新发明。But frivolity isn’t a recent invention.

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她怎能忍受得了那男人的轻浮?。How could she tolerate the men's frivolity ?

轻浮的一个元素可以防止精神萎缩。An element of frivolity keeps a soul from atrophying.

享乐主义和轻薄浮佻会将地狱扩展到我们的整个日子之中。Hedonism and frivolity will diffuse hell through all our days.

现在你对于短暂的刺激或轻率举动并不感兴趣。You are not interested in fleeting excitement or frivolity now.

不用说,他一生中所见的乐事比我们的还要少。Undoubtedly he'd seen even less frivolity in his life than we had.

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青年时代总是过于认真的,而时下青年则过分轻薄。Youth is always too serious, and just now it is too serious about frivolity.

他不喜欢把嬉戏和打猎这件严肃认真的事情混为一谈。He did not like a mixture of frivolity with the serious business of the hunt.

青年时代总是过于认真的,而时下青年则过分轻薄。Youth are always too serious, and just now it is too serious about frivolity.

这个轻松娱乐的时刻也非常适合爱情和浪漫。This window of fun and frivolity is also fabulous time for love affairs and romance.

但通常来说,不调情、不嬉戏、不轻佻对你而言就是没趣。But too often, no flirting, no frolicking, and no frivolity on the side means no fun to you.

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弗拉戈那尔笔下轻佻与风流的场景,被认为十足体现了洛可可艺术的精神。Fragonard's scenes of frivolity and gallantry are considered the embodiment of the Rococo spirit.

但是面对某些轻率的指责,我必须要捍卫我旅行的意义。I take on board some of the comments, but I would defend my trip against the accusation of frivolity.

城市这种隐约的失败提供了一种异常宝贵的机会,一次去“尼采式乐观”的接口。The seeming failure of the urban offers an exceptional opportunity, a pretext for Nietzschean frivolity.

出于他的自我保护,如果我花了整个一生来制作物体的轻薄无聊,我可能也会反省自己。In his defense, if I spent an entire lifetime making objects of frivolity , I might be inclined to be introspective as well.

她以比较作家们的不同风格而取乐,她从一位作家的庄重中获得感动,又为另一位作家的轻浮而动情。She obtained pleasure by contrasting different writers, getting emotions out of the gravity of one and the frivolity of the next.

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他之所以创作这幅「好母亲」,是因为有感于她和孩子彻底与史前时期的轻佻分道扬镳了吗?" Is the "good mother" painted precisely because she and her child are radically separated from all the frivolity of the ancient regime?

这一时期正是法国艺术在风格和主题上从洛可可的“浮华”向新古典主义的“严肃”过渡的阶段。This was a period of transition for French painting in both styles and subject matter, from the "frivolity" of Rococo to the seriousness of Neo- classicism.

通过所有的娱乐和嬉戏,欢喜和轻率,他总是在他们面前保持一个闪亮的神识形象,还有弃绝的道路。Through all this fun and frolic, this merriment and frivolity , he always kept before them the shining ideal of God-Consciousness and the path of renunciation.