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太太不耐烦地嚷起来了。cried his wife impatiently.

他不耐烦地猝然甩掉外衣。He impatiently jerked his coat off.

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她不耐烦地拒绝了我的请求。She impatiently turned down my request.

“我已经告诉了你我愿意,”他不耐烦地回答说。I told you I did,' he replied impatiently.

种马焦躁地用蹄刨着地面。The stallion pawed the ground impatiently.

汤姆不耐烦地向车行四面张望。Tom glanced impatiently around the garage.

唔,没有,"思嘉不耐烦地说。"“Well, I’m not,” said Scarlett Impatiently.

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“说漏嘴了”,安德鲁不耐烦地说。A slip of tongue. " Ardrew said impatiently."

他不耐烦地等在办公室外面。He was impatiently waiting outside the office.

她不耐烦地用手指轻敲桌面。She tapped her fingers on the desk impatiently.

上帝和我的父母亲正在那里等着我。God and my parents are waiting impatiently for me.

这匹马呼哧呼哧地喷着气,不耐烦地跺着蹄子。The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently.

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他不耐烦地打断了我的问话。Go and carry my message,' he interrupted impatiently.

“他回实验室去了,”艾里斯不耐烦地大声说。He went back to the lab", Iris exclaimed impatiently."

在那冗长的演说期间,他不耐烦地在座位上来回动着。He shifted impatiently in his seat during the long speech.

虽然我们在等待时很有礼貌,但在他分发雪球时就不再耐烦了。We'd wait politely, but impatiently as he passed them out.

“我明天21岁了”,奈妲不耐烦地重复了一遍。“I’m twenty-one tomorrow, ” Naida said again, impatiently.

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艾利森整个下午都在电脑前耐心地等待。Allison waited impatiently beside the computer all afternoon.

丑男不耐烦地按了按钮关上电梯门。The ugly man impatiently presses the button to close the door.

伊丽莎白性急地从他手里接过信来。吉英也赶上来了。Elizabeth impatiently caught it from his hand. Jane now came up.