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无水的井没有用途。A well devoid of water is useless.

他为人正直但缺乏常识。He is honest but devoid of common sense.

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对文学野孩并非没有直觉。The gamin is not devoid of literary intuition.

你并不可能拥有缺乏物质的真空区域。You cannot have an empty space devoid of matter.

马尔戴克是一个乌托邦,那里没有所有的奋斗。Maldek was a utopia that was devoid of all struggle.

这些文章空话连篇。The articles are long-winded and devoid of substance.

如果任何艺术都失去了教益,那它就成为了音乐的艺术。If any art is devoid of lessons, it is certainly music.

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因为在这儿——一个没有偏见的避难所是安全的。Because it’s safe here – a sanctuary devoid of judgment.

绝对纯净的绿柱石完全无色。Beryl is, when absolutely pure, totally devoid of color.

一个衰弱,软弱无力的笨蛋,缺乏敏捷的活力。A weak, nerveless fool, devoid of energy and promptitude.

患夜盲症的人,缺乏的维生素是什么???Have the person of nyctalopia, what is devoid vitamin? ? ?

两哩高的地方,正在崩塌的断崖看似了无生气。Two miles up, the crumbling precipices seem devoid of life.

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博廷斯基的照片揭露了这些,但并不缺乏美感。Burtynsky's photos reveal that, but aren't devoid of beauty.

我完全感受不到别人的痛苦。I can become totally devoid of feelings of others, unemotional.

垃圾食品的缺乏营养并且过度加工。Junk food is devoid of nutrients and overflowing with processing.

而平白直接的写法,缺乏隐喻同样适合这样的风格。The plain, direct writing, devoid of metaphor, suits the genre well.

再往下20英尺深是一片缺氧层,现在这里罕见生命的迹象。Twenty feet farther below was a hypoxic layer almost devoid of life.

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你当时认为我没有一丝一毫真正的感情,我相信你当时一定是那样想法。You thought me then devoid of every proper feeling, I am sure you did.

伦敦的泰晤士河曾因污染而变成了一条无生命的河流并引发了霍乱等疾病。At one time, London's River Thames was disease-ridden and devoid of fish.

这些形容词都是真实、诚实、不虚伪或不伪饰的意思。These adjectives mean genuine, honest, and devoid of hypocrisy or pretense.