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她紧紧地拥抱了我,还是像往常一样热情四溢。She hugged me, passionately effusive as always.

过奖了!快别这样说,免得我被冲昏头。Such effusive praise! Stop it before it goes to my head.

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当他被带去见托马斯时,并没大动感情。He had not been effusive when he was brought in to see Thomas.

这时有人告诉他说他的推销术有点缺乏激情。Then he was told he wasn't being effusive enough in his salesmanship.

该方法在喷出岩较发育的断陷盆地中可以广泛应用。This method can be applied in rifted basin with abundant effusive rocks.

对于光的回应并不如期盼的热情洋溢。The resulting response to the light has not been as effusive as expected.

当马毅在深思这项工作的潜力时,他变得非常乐观积极。When Ma ponders the potential this work has to offer, he becomes positively effusive.

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和我比较熟悉的一些议员们更是热情有加,不少还写信对我表示支持。The MPs I knew well were even more effusive and I received dozens of supportive letters.

我也给它写过一两首歌曲和一篇感情奔放的赞赏毗湿奴派抒情诗的评论。To this also I contributed a song or two and an effusive appreciation of Vaishnava lyrics.

其岩相主要为喷溢相、爆发相和火山沉积相。They mainly belong to effusive facies, explosive facies and volcanogenic sedimentary facies.

当她遇到约翰逊,她不吝溢美之词,最后,约翰逊终于忍不住让她闭嘴When she met Johnson she was effusive in her praise and eventually he shut her down by saying

斯科尔斯的表杨则更进一步,你知道这种表扬是有道理的。And when Scholes is almost effusive with his praise, you know the recipient must be worthy of it.

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当然,孩子享受了药物带来的快感,爱上了这飘飘然的时刻,渴望再来一次注射。Of course the child enjoyed the drug-induced high, loved the effusive moments, craved others injections.

岛本身主要由玄武岩组成,低矽石的熔岩象夏威夷一样与热情洋溢的火山活动相关。The island itself is composed primarily of basalt, a low-silica lava associated with effusive volcanism like Hawaii.

其结果表明东岭地区火石岭组在中部区域喷溢相上部亚相和火山通道相发育。The upper subfacies of effusive facies and volcanic vent facies well developed in the middle area of Huoshiling Formation.

马拉多纳的高兴可以理解,他对球队中这位22岁的明星不吝赞颂之词。Maradona was understandably pleased with his star player's showing and was effusive in his praise of the 22-year-old's ability.

合成的生长激素释放肽具有很强的促生长激素释放作用,还有许多其它生物活性。Synthetic growth hormone releasing peptides possess strong growth hormone-releasing effects and effusive peripheral activities.

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火山岩体的储集性能与这三个相带密切相关,油气主要分布在火山爆发相和火山溢流相带。The reservior properties are closely related with the three facies. Oil is mainly distributed in the explosive and effusive facies.

弗莱彻入选了苏格兰周末友谊赛的阵容,经理很是看重这位曼联中场。Fletcher is again in Burley's squad for Saturday's friendly in Wales and the manager was effusive about the Manchester United midfielder.

原岩分别为榴辉岩—辉石岩侵入体和拉班玄武岩岩流。Eclogite-pyroxenite intrusive rock and tholeiite effusive rock are considered as the protorocks of two types of orthoamphibolites respectively.