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洗牌和切牌。The Shuffle and Cut.

要享受曳步舞,它就是娱乐。Just have fun with the shuffle.

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我在哪里可以学习跳墨尔本曳步舞呢?。Where can I learn how to shuffle?

要享受曳步舞,它就是娱乐。What do?- Just have fun with the shuffle.

需要多长时间才干学好墨尔本曳步舞呢?How long does it take to learn to shuffle?

都可以应用4A归位的方法把牌洗出来。Can be applied to 4A homing method shuffle.

我应该看大量的曳步舞视频吗?Should I be watching a lot of shuffle videos?

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我希望在你发牌前记得洗牌。I wish you' d remember to shuffle before you deal.

墨尔本曳步舞的基本舞步是什么?What are the basics steps of the Melbourne Shuffle?

你得先洗牌,然后再倒牌和发牌。You have to shuffle the cards before the cut for deal.

一组女孩站起来在教室里走动。A small group of girls stand and shuffle from the room.

搅和与窃笑成为那个戏剧演员的标志。The shuffle and snicker become the comedians trademark.

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其他情况下,我则倾向于听音乐和播客节目。The rest of the time I’m relying on shuffle and podcasts.

在洗牌时地要先将牌背朝上,然后再洗牌。In the reshuffle when first trump back upward, then shuffle.

之后每位牌手可以将对手的套牌洗牌或者切牌。Each player may then shuffle or cut his or her opponents' decks.

税改,引发我国白酒业二次洗牌?。Will Tax Reforms Arouses Chinese Liquor Industry Shuffle Cards Again?

我已经将将战列舰转向南并改组我的驱逐舰从旁边分开。I have turned my BBs south and shuffle the DDs to the disengaged side.

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我通常在Ipod上循环播放,出来什么就听什么。I usually just put shuffle on my iPod and whatever comes up, comes up.

如果洗牌的次数足够多,一定会有重复的排列顺序出现。If you shuffle that deck enough times, the orders will have to repeat.

好好的洗这八张牌,直到你分不清哪张是命运之轮为止。Shuffle these eight cards until you no longer know where the Wheel is.