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他是一个打工仔。He is a salaried man.

财阀职业经理人的作用。The role of salaried managers in the zaibatsu.

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但这些毕业生们发现得到有薪水的工作却是不可能的。But these graduates find it impossible to obtain salaried jobs.

在许多发展中国家,正规的付薪工作很少。Regular salaried or wage-paying jobs are scarce in many developing countries.

还将取消对受薪员工的绩效加薪和绩效奖金。Salaried employees will also lift the performance pay and performance bonuses.

是啊.对我这样的工薪阶层来说,赌博可能是唯一赚大钱的路子.Yes. For a salaried worker like me,gambling may be the only way to rake it in.

薪水比小时工具有更高的地位。Being salaried typically has carried higher status for employees than being paid wages.

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赫德成了那里的一名志愿者,不久,他在收容院的时间就赶上了他正式的工作时间。Hodes became a volunteer and was soon spending as much time there as at his salaried job.

但是在1980年和1981年,赖特作为受薪音乐家参与了乐队的演唱会。Wright was retained as a salaried session musician during live concerts in 1980 and 1981.

全职的母亲是报酬最高的职业之一,因为母亲得到的报酬是纯洁的爱。Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs because the payment is pure love.

在他20出头的时候,他在一家制造隔音材料的工厂做销售员的工作。In his early 20s, he got a salaried job as salesman for a factory that made soundproofing material.

佛林特工厂目前共有2,100名工人,工厂在上一年总共生产了115,000台货车。The Flint factory employs about 2,100 hourly and salaried workers. It made 115,000 trucks last year.

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百分之十五左右是股票高手,而其余百分之十的高收入受薪人员。About 15 percent are stock gurus, while the remaining 10 percent are high-earning salaried executives.

周薪制职员每周领取相同的工资,无论他们一周工作了多少小时。Salaried employees receive the same pay from week to week regardless of the number of hours they work.

佛林特工厂目前共有2,100名工人,工厂在上一年总共生产了115,000台货车。The Flint factory employs about 2, 100 hourly and salaried workers. It made 115, 000 trucks last year.

在我的领域里,当一个全职母亲是酬劳最高的工作,因为是用纯洁的爱来付款。Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love.

密拉特的一些年轻人放弃了寻找有薪水的工作,重新回到了农村或者做起了体力活。Some young people in Meerut give up on the search for salaried work and return to farming or manual labour.

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公司给受薪员工提供了一套很好的养老金计划,但给计时工提供的计划却很吝啬。The company had a good pension scheme for the salaried employees and an ungenerous scheme for the hourly paid.

您觉失所丰年薪员农病了即必须休病真否以落下入勤率吗?You think you can get attendance inproved by requiring salaried employees to take their all of their sick days?

逐渐地,一些讲西班牙语和任地方官员的工薪科吉人也能有所作为了。Increasingly, a few salaried Kogi who speak Spanish and work as local officials have the power to get things done.