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安德森说道,“那其实是一种假象。That's really bogus.

所以对我来说,这篇文章内容都是假的。So for me this article is bogus.

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这是五元的伪钞。This is a bogus five-dollar bill.

家庭时间?什麽!太假了!Family time?! What?! That's bogus !

这名嫌犯的供称被发现是造假的。The suspect's claim was found to be bogus.

我迫使自己进入一桩假想的交易。I'd forced myself into a bogus trade-off, of course.

说克隆动物及其食品无法追踪,太假了。It is bogus to say clone animals and food can’t be traced.

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你不要把你所读的新闻都相信,有些是假的。Don't believe all the news you read. Some of it can be bogus.

然而,酒吧经营者却强调他们不销售假酒。However, bar operators insisted they would not sell bogus beer.

为两种虚假二分法登台的舞台已经准备停当。The ground is already being prepared for two bogus dichotomies.

证书可登岸学校官方网站查询真伪。Certificate can land school government website to inquire true bogus.

但是法庭对于虚假索赔可是有火眼金睛的。But the courts have been pretty astute at seeing through bogus claims.

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我及时跟踪确认收到的竟然是假的。I promptly received tracking confirmation that turned out to be bogus.

主要的原因是,撤军主要是假。The main reason for this is that the troop withdrawal is largely bogus.

这些造假作者主要是在金属组织结构上进行伪造。Bogus refinements were found for both metal-organic and organic structures.

许多伪称是由千千万万的人正在失去每年假消息。Many spurious claims are made and millions are lost annually on bogus news.

“我们完全知道如何做假是,”一位资深经理报告说。"We fully know how bogus is, " one senior manager is reported to have said.

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所有寄到你的地址声称通过转运物品即可赚取薪水的信息都是编造的。All offers to earn pay for re-shipping goods sent to your address are bogus.

是否马克思主义被某些新的震惊世界的研究撕下了伪装的面纱?Had Marxist theory been unmasked as bogus by some world-shaking newresearch?

这个世界是不公平的。如果有公平,那一定是假的!It is inequitable in the world. That is bogus if some one saying dispassion.