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然后有一只小蜂雀飞过。Then a tiny hummingbird flew by.

这是蜂鸟巢里的一对蛋。A pair of eggs in a hummingbird nest.

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一只蜂鸟在花上盘旋。A hummingbird is poising over the flower.

蜂鸟从一朵花飞到另一朵花上。Hummingbird buzzes from flower to flower.

看世界上最小的绿色蜂鸟?The tiniest green hummingbird in the world?

珍贵的蜂鸟求爱的录像。Video reveals rare hummingbird courtship dis.

蜂鸟送料机安装在我湖边的甲板上。Hummingbird feeder is located on my back deck on lake side.

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蜂鸟的卵比你的拇指甲还要小。The eggs of a hummingbird are no bigger than your thumbnail.

10荷兰盾纸币显示蜂鸟与几何图案。Their 10 guilder bill depicts a hummingbird on geometric patterns.

你有没有听说过斑胸草鸟,有没有见过蓝色蜂鸟?You ever heard of the zebra finch or seen a blue cervert hummingbird?

五个硬币,一只蜂鸟,或是一块巧克力。The weight of a hummingbird. Twentyone grams- and perhaps also of a human soul.

“蜂鸟能像直升机一样悬停,且时间可以长达一个半小时,中间不间断,”托巴尔斯克说。“A hummingbird can hover like a helicopter for one and a half hours, nonstop,” Dr.

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一天,一只老鼠在公园里散步,它看到一只蜂鸟被网套住了,动弹不得。One day, a mouse to walk in the park, it saw a hummingbird is nets, could not move.

在男人的军械库里,魅力是具有魔力的刺,如蜂雀一样轻巧、精细。In the armory of man, charm is the enchanted dart, light and subtle as a hummingbird.

那一刻她正走在圣巴巴拉市的一条衖堂子里,顿然间看见一只蜂鸟,和着一阵扑面而来的橘子花香。It was a walk down a Santa Barbara lane, a hummingbird and the smell of orange blossoms.

把一架蜂鸟无人机飞过去,跟这个“无谓的胖子”来一次面对面的接触。Send one of those little hummingbird drones to have a face to face with "fearless fatso".

蜂鸟飞进去后,我关上门,又放好一个食具。When the hummingbird came inside, I closed thd door behind him, then set up another feeder.

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在加利福尼亚州的西米山谷,雌蜂雀在构筑在红橙色树丛中的巢中对幼雏喂食。Mother hummingbird feeding her baby, nested in a blood orange tree in Simi Valley, California.

“蜂鸟能像直升机一样悬停,且时间可以长达一个半小时,中间不间断,”托巴尔斯克说。“A hummingbird can hover like a helicopter for one and a half hours, nonstop,” Dr. Tobalske said.

突然,在一块种过烟草花的地里,我看见一只颈部深红色的幼小雄蜂鸟。Suddenly I saw a young male ruby-throated hummingbird in what had been a patch of flowering tobacco.