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突然之间,你移出了主流环境。All of a sudden you move outside the mainstream milieu.

这家人住在加州的伯克利市,一个以热情著称的地方。The setting is Berkeley, California—a welcoming milieu.

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不良反应主要为白细胞减少、发和周围静脉炎。The toxicity was leukopenia losing hair milieu phlebitis.

计算这种不寻常环境的流体动力学无疑是项壮举。Calculating the fluid dynamics of this unusual milieu is no mean feat.

当然,石块和酒瓶可以说是橄榄球比赛的“保留节目”。Rocks and bottles, of course, could be seen as rugby’s natural milieu.

园林有着凝固于空间的节奏、旋律、音调和乐境。Garden has characteristics with rhythm, melody, tone and musical milieu.

宗教就是人类创造出来的社会文化现象。In this milieu religion has come to be a social-cultural phenomenon of man's creation.

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在它们背后,原初希望作为正常的提升自我成长的环境,依旧鲜活。And that behind them the primary hope for a normal, self-growth-promoting milieu is still alive.

我们所说的启示书,大部分来自,古犹太或古基督文化。Most of what we call apocalypses comes from either an ancient Jewish or ancient Christian milieu.

毕竟,她生于乔治亚州的中产阶级,能有什么壮举呢?After all, she was born into the Georgia bourgeoisie, a milieu rarely thought of as action-packed.

取得很好的法国路易十五风格的镀金青铜装镶嵌,红木和郁金香木桌上的环境。Very Fine French Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry, rosewood and tulipwood table de milieu.

姜饼屋融合了法兰西风格和维多利亚建筑风格与海地加勒比海环境相映成彰。Gingerbread houses are adaptations of French and Victorian architectural styles to Haiti's Caribbean milieu.

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她成熟,金凯德还成为远离社会和文化环境中,她发现自己。As she matured, Kincaid also became estranged from the social and cultural milieu in which she found herself.

然而在室外工作环境可能接受这种有权势却柔弱的理想典范,工厂肯定是不能接受的。Yet while the outside-work milieu might accept the empowered yet feminine ideal, the workplace surely doesn’t.

如果剧情不总是在南希·麦尔斯式的背景中展开的话,整个故事会变得更有张力。The narrative would have more tension if they didn't appear so comfortably padded in a Nancy Meyers–like milieu.

一名来自美国新墨西哥州圣特菲的精神病专家将临床试验的经验与当地环境和文化背景相结合。In Santa Fe, N.M., a psychiatrist tailors the lessons of clinicaltrials to the local milieu and cultural setting.

在法国乐坛上,柏辽兹、肖邦和李斯特进一步推动了对浪漫派风格和曲式的改良。In the French milieu , innovations in romantic style and form were further developed by Berlioz, Chopin and Liszt.

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目的探讨雄雌激素、细胞凋亡在前列腺增长和前列腺增生发病中的作用。Objective To study the apoptosis and the androgen and estrogen milieu in normal and hyperplastic prostate tissues.

无论一个丰富的环境,最终在Cabeus、小陨石坑在永恒的影子在月球南极。Whatever the source, a rich milieu ended up in Cabeus, a small crater in permanent shadow on the moon's south pole.

没有其它途径有这么多人,在如此宽的人口统计学范畴内,愿意回答这么多私密的问题。In no other milieu do so many people, from such a broad demographic swath, willingly answer so many intimate questions.