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这些钢钉基座同时也是一块防蚁板。The steel pin base also acts as a termite shield.

耸立在平原上的白蚁土丘竟高达三米。Termite mounds three metres tall tower above the flat plains.

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用小树枝和树叶中脉钓取白蚁是其中的两种模式。Termite fishing with twigs and the mid-ribs of leaves were two.

双重彩虹笼罩了澳大利亚草原上的白蚁冢。A double rainbow frames termite mounds in Australia's grasslands.

我们为你提供省时而有效的白蚁预防处理工程。Termite pre-treatments are very inexpensive and highly effective.

第一个太像虫子,看起来像肥胖的白蚁蚁后。The first was too worm-like, looking like a bloated queen termite.

白蚁和害虫控制服务,互动的虚拟房子和孩子的乐趣领域。Termite and pest control services, with interactive virtual house and kids fun area.

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在博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲,一只猎豹正在一座白蚁冢上俯瞰着草原。A cheetah surveys the savanna from atop a termite mound in Botswana's Okavango Delta.

穿山甲公司是主要从事白蚁防治、城市害虫的专业性公司。Pangolins company is mainly engaged in termite control, urban pest professional company.

结论克蚁星粉剂可替代灭蚁灵用于白蚁防治。Conclusion Keyixing powder could be used as the alternative of Mirex for termite control.

探讨职业性接触氯丹、含砷化合物灭蚁药物对作业人员肝功能水平的影响。To explore the level of liver function damage in workers exposed to the termite control drugs.

这只大猩猩,拍摄于2005年,展示了他在捉白蚁吃时候的人类一样的专注。This chimp, photographed in 2005, displays humanlike concentration as he snags a termite snack.

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黄翅大白蚁是安徽危害林木、水库堤坝的主要蚁种。Macrotermes barneyi Light is a major termite in Anhui, infesting forest trees and reservoir dame.

特纳和索尔坚信白蚁丘的构造能分流所有碰到蚁丘外墙的风流。Turnerand Soar believe that termite mounds instead tap turbulence in the gusts of wind that hit them.

很多没有预料到的事今天都会在这个星球上发生,让你很迷惑。Many unexpected things are happening on the planet today You're as confused as a termite in a yo-yo. !

白蚁防治是一种特种行业,使用的是特殊的药品,对白蚁防治专业人员有较高的要求。Termite prevention is a special industry, using special drugs and the workers are also required strictly.

该建筑看起来就像是一个白蚁的巢穴,通过地面管道和太阳能塔提供自然通风。The setup is like a termite hill providing natural ventilation just by set up with ground pipes and a solar tower.

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用白蚁干粉混悬剂给势小鼠灌胃喂养,可明显地增强去势去小鼠的性功能和免疫功能。Feed the castrate mice on termite suspen-sio. It's immunological competence and sex function were developed clearly.

白蚁隐患是导致我国南方诸省土质堤坝崩塌的主要祸首。The termite is an important calamity to dikes and reservoirs in South China, for'a small leak will sink a great ship'.

探讨职业性接触含氯丹、砷化合物的灭蚁药物对作业人员肾功能的影响。To explore the damage of kidney function in workers exposed to the termite control drugs Chlordane and arsenic compound.