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你有同学会吗?Do you have any homecoming?

这即是归返和回到家乡。This is a return and a homecoming.

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这一回家之旅是建立在爱之上的。This homecoming is founded upon love.

你想和我一起去返校晚会?You want to go to homecoming with me?

上赛季荣归故里是演砸了。Last season was a humiliating homecoming.

本月还有一位著名人物归国。There's been another homecoming this month.

但今年他们回家的心情却是喜忧参半。But this year, their homecoming has been bittersweet.

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他邀请你参加归乡人舞会了吗?。So, did he ask you to that homecoming dance thing yet?

所以返校舞会上我还是会支持他们的。I've decided to unground them for the homecoming dance.

成为返校王后或国王是一个巨大的荣誉。It is a great honor to become homecoming queen-or king.

1984年,她以“似水流年”迅速成为当红明星。She rose to stardom with the song "Homecoming" in 1984.

克劳斯将于返校节回归神秘瀑布镇,还有比这更好地时机吗?What better time for Klaus to come home than Homecoming?

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大家都喜欢在春节举行同学会。People like holding homecoming during the spring festival.

那也是提利昂希望的那种荣归故里。It was the kind of homecoming that Tyrion wished for as well.

这周末是返校日,所以明天有烧烤。然后This weekend is homecoming. So there's a barbecue tomorrow. And

教练孙海平说刘翔期待回国。Coach Sun Haiping said Liu is looking forward to his homecoming.

我等不及去参加返校日球赛后的派对了!I can't wait until Homecoming when we get to party after the game!

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好了,宝贝,作为欢迎你回家的礼物,我几乎已经算是买下来了。Well, honey, I kind of already bought it for you. As a homecoming gift.

我想告诉大家的是,来这儿对我的意义绝对不仅仅是重回旧地。What I’m trying to tell you, this is WAY more than a homecoming for me.

在返校赛期间,丹顿高中足球队的队员们聚在一起。The Denton High School football team huddles during the homecoming game.