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你是我永生梦幻中的居住者。You are a dweller in my deathless dreams.

也就是说,每三个农民供应一个城市居民。That would imply three farmers for each city dweller.

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城市居平易近衰亡率比农村居平易近高。City dweller have a higher death rate than country people do.

城市居平易近衰亡率比农村居平易近高。City dweller have a higher death rate than do country people.

对于城市居民来说,养猫咪更符合他们的生活调调。The feline is an ideal lifestyle match for the urban dweller.

如何申请享受居民最低生活保障待遇?How to apply for to enjoy dweller lowest life to ensure treatment?

办公室里的这类人以扼杀想法获得乐趣。The Naysayer. This office dweller delights in shooting down ideas.

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记录每一个公民或是城市居民或是农民。Registers every citizen as either a town dweller or a rural peasant

炫目的回来,总统说,“说得就像一个城市居民。Glaring back, the president snapped, "Spoken just like a city dweller.

小镇居民将忍受漫长的黑夜才能重见光明。Small town dweller will bear endless night ability to see light again.

建立居民最低生活费用保障线制度十分必要。Build dweller lowest maintenance to guarantee route system very necessary.

但当我在溪边钓鳟鱼碰到一个城里人时,会发现他和其他人并无两样。But when I pass a city dweller on a trout stream I find he’s just like other people.

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屋面渗漏一直是困扰施工者和居住者的一大问题。It is a big problem for the house roof leakage to puzzle building workers and dweller.

吃他“肉”的每一个人都成了另一个奥西里斯,一个“神的儿子”,一个“光明的神”,一个“光明的神”中的居住者。Each of them became another 'Osiris,' a 'Son of God,' a 'Light god,' a dweller in the 'Light-god.'

市民像游牧民族一样,居住的空间不断发生变化。The urban dweller would become a nomad who inhabits a space in constant flux, mutating in real time.

加入奈贾,一名在她的家庭寻找水下居民,她探讨了水族馆的深处。Join Naija, a lone underwater dweller in search of her family, as she explores the depths of Aquaria.

不假,那个巨大的嘴原来是这个雨林栖息着用来散发体温的”散热器“。Indeed, that gigantic schnoz turns out to be a radiator the rain forest dweller uses to lose body heat.

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但当我在溪边钓鳟鱼碰到一个城里人时,会发现他和其他人并无两样。They seem a bad lot. But when I pass a city dweller on a trout stream I find he's just like other people.

这是一场轰动的猪儿秀,我们的掌声经久不息。It was a sensational pig show and we applauded wildly, but it inspired a bit of envy in this city dweller.

我国宏观经济运行不畅与居民消费结构升级迟滞有关。Our country macroscopical economy moves not free and dweller consumption structure upgrade arrearage is concerned.