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或「维他奶」是你的至爱品牌吗?Is "Vita" or "Vitasoy" your favourite brand ?

爱上奢华,爱上爱醇葡萄酒。If you love the "dolce vita", you love Amore Wine.

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认为「维他」或「维他奶」现有产品巳足够满足口味吗?。Do you think"Vita"or"Vitasoy"product can satisfy your taste?

在这种对行动的生活的新型崇拜中,电影扮演了一个关键角色。In this new worship of vita activa film plays a central role.

翎我眼中有浅浅的海,前尘旧事拍岸,侵蚀出一湾想念。My eyes have shallow sea land old clap vita etched a bay miss.

Vita在拉丁语中的意思是“生命”,因此维生素对生命至关重要。Vita means "life" in Latin, and vitamins are essential for life.

现时「维他」或「维他奶」产品的自助饮品售卖机是否足够?。Do you think "Vita"or "Vitasoy"automatic vending machines are enough?

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维拉维塔的生命置于阴凉处温泉斯隆街沙龙坚决。The Vila Vita Vital Spa puts Sloane Street salons firmly in the shade.

个人营养系统含有新鲜的,且分别密封的维生素和矿物质。Vita System contains fresh, individually sealed vitamins and minerals.

个人营养系统不仅有益于健康,还味道鲜美并且别具一格。Vita System is beneficial to health as well as flavorful and refreshing!

本短片为新一辑的维特健灵爱用者见证广告杂志。This short clip is a new commercial series of testimonies from Vita Green users.

该书刊登了维塔.萨克维尔.韦斯特的照片,穿着打扮成奥兰多。The book was illustrated with pictures of Vita Sackville-West, dressed as Orlando.

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先说说,你晚上那个时候在维塔帕波利卡大街上做什么呢?And in the first place, what were you doing in the Vita Publica at that time of night?

此外,我们的消息来源称,世嘉可能瘪三5版本为PS维塔工作。Further, our source says Sega may be working on a version of Yakuza 5 for the PS Vita.

然而,与此同时它又把现代被动的耻辱标记从沉思的生活中去除。However, at the same time it removes from vita contemplative the modern stigma of passivity.

惊人的地点30米下的下跌花岗岩岩简历伯格公园在斯德哥尔摩举行。An amazing location 30 meters down under the granite rocks of the Vita Berg Park in Stockholm.

正式设计的部分由哈罗德爵士来做,而维塔则负责种培植浪漫。The formal designs were made by Sir Harold while Vita was responsible for the romantic planting.

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具有该特点的主要模特是作家维塔.萨克维尔.韦斯特,她与伍尔夫有同性恋关系。Chief model for the character was writer Vita Sackville-West, with whom Woolf had a lesbian relationship.

追其根源主要是学生脱离生活,缺乏丰富真切的生活体验。Get to the root of the matter, it is mainly because the pupils lack the profuse and vivid vita experiences.

目的比较VITA比色板和带金属底冠定制比色板的颜色特性。Objective To compare the color character of VITA shade guide and the custom shade guide with metal substrate.