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悍马将保留美国的生产基地。Hummer will remain based in the US.

悍马让通用汽车看起来像是一家耗油大户。Hummer made GM seem like the gas-guzzler company.

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所有的悍马客户将继续享受服务。All Hummer warranties will continue to be honored.

如果是这样的话,那么肯定是悍马H2车适合您。If so, then the Hummer H2 is definitely the car for you.

这样看来,悍马成为中国品牌也不足为怪了。So it actually seems fitting that Hummer will be a Chinese brand.

他们成功的克隆了悍马H1,美国军方的主要产品。It has successfully cloned the Hummer H1, a staple of the US military.

湖边的大房子和悍马车贷款就能马上到手。Give me the big house on the lake, the gas guzzling hummer and put it all on credit.

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据悉,悍马品牌关闭后,在售后服务方面,通用汽车会保证10年维修与配件供应。GM promised a 10-year-old after-sales service and accessory supply after Hummer is closed.

通用公司还表示,通用依旧会想全球的悍马顾客提供零部件和相应的服务。GM says it will continue to provide Hummer parts and service to customers around the globe.

悍马和通用汽车公司可以被重组,为美国制造火车,公共汽车,或混合动力汽车。Hummer and GM could have been retooled to make trains, busses, or hybrid vehicles for the US.

杨毅还表示,腾中重工将向悍马大举投资,将这些技术应用于市场。Yang also said Tengzhong will invest heavily in Hummer to bring those technologies to market.

2002年,有人称在本溪地区发现了“蜂鸟”的踪迹,并由新闻媒体进行了报道。In 2002, it was reported in the news media that, in Benxi district, a "Hummer" was discovered.

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然而,悍马H2和悍马H3是基于其他较小的民用市场的车辆。However, the Hummer H2 and the Hummer H3 were based on other, smaller civilian-market vehicles.

他拒绝评论腾中重工利用离岸投资工具收购悍马的可能性。He declined to comment about the possibility of Tengzhong using an offshore vehicle to buy Hummer.

另一个人疯狂得从他的悍马里探出头来拍照,差点和后面的车撞在一起。Another was madly trying to take pictures from his Hummer and almost crashed into the back another car.

任何人都可以买卖旧1984年道奇要么全买悍马或土星从通用汽车公司这些天。Anyone could have traded in an old 1984 Dodge Omni and bought either Hummer or Saturn from GM these days.

庞大的SUV和像悍马那样坦克般的汽车和呆板的小轿车争夺陈列空间。Enormous SUVs and tank-like vehicles like the Hummer compete for showroom space with banal, small sedans.

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庞大的SUV和坦克样的车辆和乏味的小轿车像蜂鸟们为夺取比赛陈列室的空间。Enormous SUVs and tank-like vehicles like the Hummer compete for showroom space with banal, small sedans.

反全球主义者们称朝悍马车砸鸡蛋和番茄会吸引人们对他们行为动机上的注意。The antiglobalists said throwing eggs and tomatoes at the Hummer will help draw attention to their cause.

如果你非常快乐地开你的雪佛兰骑士,不要告诉你的约会对象你快要买悍马了。If you are very happy driving your Chevy Cavalier, don't tell your date that you are buying a Hummer soon.