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而我们的价格绝对是合理的。And our pice are reasonable.

可以。我昨天吃了一块蛋糕。Yes. I ate a pice of cake yesterday.

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说一口流利的英语是小菜一碟。Speaking good English is a pice of cake.

我想要片三明治作为午餐。I'd like a pice of sandwich for the lunch.

对不起,我把你的桌子切了一个小口。I've chipped a pice out of your table, i'm sorry.

根据天上掉下个林妹妹改编的歌曲谁知道?Heaven fell down a sister lin. Just like a pice of beautiful cloud.

你和所有其它意大利人,将会为你们的错误付出沉重代价!You and all the rest of you italians, you will have to pay the pice of your faults!

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我听说阳光几天前已经花钱在中国邮政广告做了公告。I heard Yangguang had paid for a pice of notice on China Post Advertising some days ago.

对抗愤怒很难,因为愤怒以灵魂的代价来购买任何它想要的。It is difficult to fight agaist anger, for whatever it wants it buys at the pice of soul.

如果一段打结的绳子能唤来风,如果淹死的人能再醒来,那么我相信,伤了心的人会痊愈。If a pice of knotted string can unleash the wind, and if a drowned man can awaken, then I believe a broken man can heal.

而陆地对你而言,“是一艘过大的船,是一个过于漂亮的女人,是以此太长的旅行,是一种太浓郁的香水,是一曲我弹不出的音乐。”For you , the land , "is just an over-large seacraft, an over-beautiful woman , an over-long travel, an over-full-bodied perfume, a pice of music I can't play. ".