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月亮之神,赫利俄斯地妹妹。The goddess of the moon the sister of Helios.

其实神话。月亮之神,赫利俄斯的妹妹。The goddess of the moon, the sister of Helios.

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这才手执火把,飞到赫利俄斯面前,请他指点迷津。This hand torch, Helios flew before, please him.

上周,孜孜不倦的太阳神勤奋工作Last week, the indefatigable Helios was hard at work

你现在脚下的这座神殿正是赫利俄斯的太阳战车。This temple on which you stand is the Chariot of Helios.

奎托斯脚下的这座神殿,就是赫利俄斯的日头战车。The temple on which Kratos stood, was the Sun Chariot of Helios.

为了让这个方法起作用,Helios使用了两步的编译过程。For this approach to work, Helios uses a two-step compilation process.

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玩具塔或者赫利奥斯塔,你现在要准备好去底部。By entering EOS or Helios tower, you are now ready to go to the bottom.

我可以依靠何露斯神,那驾着金色战车的太阳神的帮助。I can count on the help of Helios , the solar God riding his chariot of gold.

赫利奥斯有一个独特的地位和信誉在与许多忠实的客户生态段。Helios has a unique position and credibility in the eco segment with many loyal customers.

与本次更新同步的是近期发布的Eclipse3.6,或者叫“Helios”。This update brings the release in sync with the recently released Eclipse 3.6, or "Helios."

你必须找到赫利俄斯,并护送他回到天上,以免众神及人类的世界永远失去。You must find Helios and return him to the sky, lest the world of Gods and man be lost forever.

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其中,哈廷根的赫利俄斯诊所专门研究神经外科学和神经病学的康复。Among them is the Helios Clinic in the town of Hattingen, which specializes in neurosurgical and neurological rehabilitation.

但法厄同就是不肯放弃他的毫无理智的请求,由于赫利俄斯已经发了神圣的誓言,便只好无可奈何的同意了。But Phaethon is unwilling to give up his senseless request, the Helios has made a sacred promise, it's only reluctantly agreed to.

正是那辆每天由火焰骏马拉着穿越天穹,让赫利俄斯的光辉得以照耀人间的战车。The very chariot that the Fire Speeds pulled across the sky every day, allowing the brilliance of Helios to shine down on all mankind.

例如,Helios网络堆栈说明了对于用来与网络设备驱动通信的通道拥有较好的亲和度。For example, the Helios networking stack expresses a positive affinity for the channels used to communicate with a network device driver.

面临的挑战是改造太阳神品牌,只是为典型的生态消费的一个品牌,成为一个正规的零售客户的品牌。The challenge was to transform the Helios brand from being a brand just for the typical eco-consumer, to become a brand for the regular retail customer.

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根据希腊神话,太阳神赫利俄斯穿着黄色的长袍,架着由四匹烈马拉着的金黄色的战车,驰骋于神圣的天空。According to Greek mythology, the Sun-god Helios wearing a yellow robe rode in a golden chariot drawn by four fiery horses across the heavenly firmament.

Helios是微软的一个研究性的操作系统项目,它试图通过使用卫星内核来简化为异构的环境编写应用程序的过程。Helios is a Microsoft research OS project intended to ease the process of writing applications for heterogeneous environments by using satellite kernels.

既便如此,赫利厄斯也依旧是一种不同寻常改进型,仅仅在旋风坦克不能有效使用的时候才被加强到需要额外火炮支援的战团中。The Helios remains an uncommon Land Raider variant, only deployed when a Chapter is in need of extra artillery support that the Whirlwind cannot provide.