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这也是他总结的亮剑精神所在。This was his summing up the spirit of the Liang Jian.

如今她们都六十出头,到了人生算总帐的时候了。Now they were both past sixty, the time for summing up.

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对这些求总和你会得到总质量。And you will get the total mass by summing these things.

即写在前面的话,工作总结起始的段落。Write the words in front of, summing up the work starting.

我们计算的是,整个区域的面积微元dA的总和。Really, what we are doing is summing dA over the entire region.

综上,对巴托克的超级粉丝来说,这套碟必须拿下。Summing up, this set is a must-have for the die-hard Bartok fan.

目的总结下颌骨骨折的治疗经验。Objective Summing up the trentmeat experience of mandible fracture.

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“摸著石头过河,边干边学边总结”。Feeling the stones across the river, learning by doing while summing up.

正整数的数根可以用此整数各位数数字的和来求。The digital root of a positive integer is found by summing the digits of the integer.

而对赊欠经营发展机制的归纳,以及应用博弈理论对赊欠双方行为分析,也是一次尝试。While it is a attempt to summing up its development and to analyze it in game theory.

我也经常下载观看一些节目,加起来每星期大约四个小时。There are shows I download and watch regularly, summing up to perhaps four hours per week.

因为这个东西,换句话说,这个,依赖于对所有状态的求和。a Because this thing, in other words, this a, right, depends on summing over all of those.

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我觉得这些话简洁地总结了我想如何活着以及什么最能激励我。I think it does a job of succinctly summing up how I wish to live and what inspires me most.

目的总结成批热水泥烧伤病人救治经验。Objective Present paper aims at Summing up the experience of mass hot cement burn Casulties.

事实上,在相反的方向,两次计算了这些通量。So, in fact, you'll be summing the flux through these guys twice with opposite orientations.

与利物浦俱乐部的心和灵魂同在的比尔·香克利曾如此总结道。The words of Bill Shankly when summing up what he felt was the heart and soul of Liverpool FC.

结语部分则是总结刘庆邦创作的文学史意义和价值。Conclusion Liu Qingbang partly created by summing up the meaning and value of literary history.

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然而,对于很多求职者来说,要在140字以内总结个人全部的履历实在是一个挑战。However, summing up an entire career in just 140 characters is a challenge for many job hunters.

在总结国外相关文献的基础上对燃料生物脱硫技术进行了介绍和综合论述。On basis of summing up literatures, biocatalytic desulfurization technic of fuel are summarized.

于是,我也开始了站在班主任的角度上开始思考,总结。So, I started standing on the perspective of the class teacher to start thinking and summing up.