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有没有危险的暗流?Is there a dangerous undertow?

具有情绪感召力是所有政治的一个方面。The existence of an emotional undertow is an aspect of all politics.

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但一切如旧的现状对美国人造成的影响在今年似乎特别大。The undertow of business as usual seems especially strong this year.

那边海里很危险,有人说去年有个人淹死了。There's a dangerous undertow and there was a man drowned here last year.

现在,埃文斯的照片为那个近乎消失的美国带来了浪漫的回潮。Evans's images now carry the romantic undertow of an almost vanished America.

潜流是当水返回大海的时候,在波浪下的水流。An undertow is when the water returns to the ocean underneath the incoming waves.

于他而言,难抵诱惑而成为“城市浪子”,要比因成就而脱颖而出更加容易。It was easier for him to succumb to the "urban undertow" than to be singled out for achievement.

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这些国家如何能在中国的发展大潮上乘风破浪,而没有被大浪拍倒?How can these companies boost their chances of riding the Chinese wave rather than being dragged down by the undertow?

我现在认识到,这样的身世由来已久,沉重地压在男人身上,千代万载像水下逆流似的搅得他们不得翻身。I realize now how ancient these identities are, how deep the lug they exert on men, the undertow of a thousand generations.

疯狂的、破产的、自杀的以及其他的想象不到的天意迟早会以忧郁的回潮折磨家族的尊贵。Lunacy, bankruptcy, suicide and other unthinkable fates sooner or later afflict the noblest of clans with an undertow of gloom.

海岸的警卫停止寻找在卡儸莱州北部沿岸失踪的12嵗男孩的行动,显然他是强劲回头浪的受害者。The coast guards stopped searching for a 12-year-old boy who disappeared from the outer banks of North Carolina, apparently a victim of a strong undertow.