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结论GBP片剂有明显的抗惊厥作用。CONCLUSION GBP table had anticonvulsant action with significance.

有抗凝血酶效果,具有镇静、镇痛、解热、抗惊厥等作用。Have anti-thrombin effect, with calm, the town Pain, antipyretic, anticonvulsant and so on.

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为了取得最大的效果,抗癫痫药物会与锂盐共同使用,或与其他抗癫痫药物混用。Anticonvulsant medications may be combined with lithium, or with each other, for maximum effect.

杜仲雄花乙酸乙酯提取物具有良好的抗惊厥作用。Ethyl acetate extracts of eucommia male flowers possess obviously anticonvulsant effects in mice.

一种可能性就是联合应用抗惊厥药和抗氧化剂来提高保护效果。One possibility is to combine an anticonvulsant with an antioxidant to increase the protective effect.

鼻内给予苯巴比妥的抗惊厥效能通过杏仁核点燃模型来测定。The anticonvulsant efficacy of intranasal phenobarbital was determined in the amygdala kindling model.

结论NO可能是介导氟西泮抗痫耐受性和依赖性的因素之一。Conclusion NO may play a role in rats tolerance and dependence to the anticonvulsant action of flurazepam.

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结果表明,僵蚕氯仿和乙酸乙酯部位均具有明显对抗尼可刹米和异烟肼致小鼠惊厥的作用。As a result, we found that the anticonvulsant active components exist in chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts.

结论这种受体数目的变化可能与氯硝安定抗惊厥作用耐受性及依赖性有关。Conclusion These changes may be responsible for the tolerance to and dependence on the anticonvulsant effect of clonazepam.

苯妥营,二苯乙内酰脲一种抗痉挛性药物,c15h12n2o2,在化学成分上与。An anticonvulsant drug, C15H12N2O2, chemically related to the barbiturates and used most commonly in the treatment of epilepsy.

目的研究胡椒碱对动物睡眠的影响及其抗惊厥作用。OBJECTIVE To study the effects of piperine on sleep in mice and rabbits, and analyse anticonvulsant action of piperine in mice.

重氮异胺一种精神安定剂,c16h13cin2o,用于缓解焦虑和紧张,并用作肌肉。A tranquilizer, C16H13CIN2O, used in the treatment of anxiety and tension and as a sedative, a muscle relaxant, and an anticonvulsant.

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患者有癫痫反复发作及口服抗癫痫药物史,右侧面部见大片葡萄酒色斑点。The patient has a history of recurrent seizures treated with oral anticonvulsant therapy, and she has a large port-wine stain on the right side of her face.

本文报告一种用高效液相色谱快速分析抗癫痫新药拉莫三嗪的方法。We described a sensitive, specific and fast liquid chromatographic assay for determining lamotrigine, a novel anticonvulsant drug, by using a high-speed column.

目的比较咪唑安定、硫喷妥钠、异丙酚拮抗罗哌卡因致大鼠惊厥的作用。Objective To assess the anticonvulsant effect of midazolam, thiopental and propofol on the convulsion induced by ropivacaine in rats and the underlying mechanism.

结论胡椒碱延长家兔的深睡眠和抗惊厥作用可能与其增加脑内5-羟色胺含量有关。CONCLUSION Piperine can prolong the deep sleep of rabbits, and has more strong anticonvulsant action. The mechanism of action may be related to increase of 5-HT in brain.

左乙拉西坦是一种新型作用机制的抗癫癎药物,其抗癎机制可能是通过影响突触囊泡蛋白SV2A来实现。Levetiracetam is an antiepileptic drug with novel antiepileptic mechanism, in which binding to SV2A, a synaptic vesicle protein, may result in its anticonvulsant activity.