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我已经获得了微软系统工程师认证。I have got MCSE certified.

他总是买正牌商品。He always buy certified goods.

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这是一个认证基准吗?Was this a certified benchmark?

医生确诊他精神失常。The doctor certified him insane.

经过俄勒冈州有机认证。Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth.

这些船只被证明适于航行。These ships were certified seaworthy.

请寄来经证明的文件。Please deliver the document certified.

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安装工人必须持证上岗。Installation workers must be certified.

他是经过严格训练的EMT救护专家并得到了国际潜水认证。He is a trained EMT and scuba certified.

那么请开保付支票好吗?Will you please hae the check certified?

银行汇款、保付支票或现金。Bank remittance, certified check or cash.

精神病医生正式证明她神经失常。The psychiatrist certified her as insane.

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出生证复印件一份。A certified copy of the birth certificate.

经过认证,土库曼斯坦迈入了没有疟疾行列。Turkmenistan is certified as malaria-free.

那么请开保付支票好吗?Will you please have the check certified ?

那么请开保付支票好吗?Will you please hxdye the check certified?

他证明那是他妻子的手迹。He certified it was his wife‘s handwriting.

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同时他还是一名持证野外消防员。He's also a certified wildland firefighter.

是一封挂号信,上面盖着的是一个遥远的地方的邮戳。A certified letter, with a faraway postmark.

所有量具是否都有校验?Have all gages been dimensionally certified?